Chapter 3 You Saw What?

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Today is History class.

Amelia's another favorite class. So she didn't fall in sleep or something like usually a lot of people does. According to universities research 77% students having trouble to concentrate in history class and will sleep in the class. It's so lucky that Amelia is not one of them right.

As the teacher teaches her she took some note to make sure she didn't having any trouble when she does revision. For her the way the teacher teaches and the note that she write down is enough for her.

She only pays full attention on the class. Amelia never ever study at home what she usually do is only having fun, enjoy watch movies and hang out with her brothers.

She is the topper of the universities. All her brothers also best student of the universities. They caught all the universities best ranking start from the first rank to six. No one can beat them not now or ever. They will be the achiever in that university.

Like usual the teacher give them simple essay to do as their homework before the bell start to rang. As soon the class is finished she on the way to the library to search for few books for reference. She walks step by step.

She was spaced out for a moment which cause she hit a very big brick wall. It's almost cause Amelia lost her balance fell down. Someone quickly wrapped his arm around her's waist and prevent her from fell down. Luckily, Amelia hold his shoulder strongly. The books that she hold for a moment ago shattered on the floor.

'Damn this girl sure going to be died of me. Why she always do this to me?' mumbled that person while let out his heavy breath examining Amelia right now. He found Amelia look cute when she feel scare. Look innocent and naive.

'Um Princess, as much I love to hold you like this. I um still have a basketball practice to catch up' those words make her eyes open widen. She blushed. Amelia find how awkward position they were now. She soon release her arm from his shoulder. They both scratch their back of head thinking of what happen just now. 'Why am I blushing when he said that' yelled Amelia cursing herself in mind. She head up a little to find a smirk born in face it made her chuckled. 'Did I said that loud?' yelled Amelia again while slap her forehead with her hand.

'Yes, Princess. You said it loud and I love when I had the effect on you' smile Frank. He give her genuine smile which he never did for anyone probably for her brothers too. He caught her off guard with peck a kiss on her cheek cause her blush even more than before. She jumped a little. Amelia found he laugh at her action.

'Don't you have practice to go?' asked Amelia while try to hide her blushed. She love doing it since it make Frank smile. If it was have to make herself humiliate then no need. She try to change his focus. Then, he cursed himself and left her alone. Not with bye at least. A bye as in his language left her with placed a kiss on cheek. Left her with a lot things running in her head right now. Like a puzzles a difficult one of course.

As far as she know he is the bad boy that she should step back to. But here she enjoy his presence. Even blushed on his word and touching. She feel like sparkling and firework burst in her stomach. She get heartbeat rise so fast too. Amelia have no idea what was that feeling is. Something new that she didn't feel for one yet since 2 years ago. Something mystery to she to tell and we to figured out. Let's we all dig her past as soon as possible. Without let Amelia hurt of course.


In the library,

Yeah, she headed to the library straight away since the boys all go to the basketball practice. She write few notes. To prepare for the next class. She don't want to study in the house since it was the only time she got to spend with her brothers.

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