Nothing Ever Just Goes Smoothly

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A/N: Here's a double upload to apologise that I haven't uploaded in a month "-_-. Sorry about that. Truth be told, later parts of this story are giving me trouble and uni certainly isn't helping. Anyway, hopefully this helps to make up for it!

Lunch had come and gone, Olivia feeling awkward as Sirius watched every bite she had. Was she eating too much? Too little? She just tried to ignore him and ate until she was full, hoping her memories would at least help her talk to the people around her.

"Alright, shall we?" Remus asked as the group started to disperse from the meal, "Molly, do you have a place you'd like me to set up the cauldron?"

Mrs. Weasley just waved him off as she began to grab empty plates, "Anywhere is fine but the orchard, really. Merlin knows this house has seen its fair share of experiments."

"Alright, we'll just set up in Bill's room then," Remus led the quartet up 3 flights of stairs before finally turning them towards a dark blue door. Olivia saw Remus and Sirius relax slightly as they entered the room (which they appeared to be staying in, if the luggage was any indicator) while Draco stiffened but said nothing. Olivia figured this was where the interrogation occurred, since Draco hadn't exactly been inside a lot of the Burrow to form a negative opinion of certain rooms yet.

"Do we have everything we need or need I go ask Hermione for anything?" Olivia offered to try and be helpful as Sirius got out the cauldron and Remus began pouring through a book of potions.

Remus shook his head, "I should have everything here to make the full four doses." He handed the book off to Draco to read over as he began to sort out ingredients and laid them on one of the single bed's bedside table.

Olivia, who sat beside Draco on one of said beds, leaned over to try and see if she could make out anything from the book as well. Unfortunately, her very limited experience in potions led her to just be even more confused than before.

Draco seemed to notice this and began telling her key points, "If we're doing four doses, it should take around 4 hours, one dose made per hour. It's an odd one in that you can't mass produce it."

"Mass produce?" Olivia tried to clarify.

"Making multiple doses at once. Usually you just use more ingredients and make more potion, but this one is finicky and won't allow more than the given amount being used at one time." Draco elaborated. Olivia nodded to pretend like she got it.

"Alright Draco, ready to begin?" Remus rolled up his sleeves and gestured for Draco to stand and join him, the two taking up positions around the bedside table.

"Am I needed for this potion making? I'd rather appreciate a nap right now." Olivia asked as she failed to stifle a yawn.

Remus' eyes flickered to her as to not distract himself from the potion, "We'll need some of your hair at the end, but other than that feel free to doze. Though I'd advise you to take the other bed in case anything kicks up over here."

Olivia nodded and moved to lay down on the bed that Sirius was sitting on, He of course moving to allow her space.

"Are you feeling alright? You look a little pale," Sirius asked under his breath as if the other inhabitants of the room couldn't hear him.

Olivia nodded as she ran her hands through her matted hair, strands coming out freely of their own accord, "Just a little under the weather, I'll get over it soon. No need to worry." She smiled at him, placed the hair gingerly on the unused bedside table now closest to her, and promptly fell asleep.


"Alright, Draco, any idea why Liv's suddenly ill?" Sirius immediately accused the boy as soon as he was sure Olivia was asleep.

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