Hello my lovelies!

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Annabel's pov
Once I get to school, I'll cut my cars engine and got out into the parking lot. It is only 8:10 AM was still outside saw walked with my group of friends.

"What's up my peoples!" I shout as I approach them. "Hey!" they say, each giving me a hug. "So what are we going to do about Javier's traditional back-to-school party?" Nicky ask. "Ugh, I don't like him." I reply. "But you like us parties." Nessa adds. "tru dat." I say putting both my hands on my right hip, into my favorite pose. "So are we going?" Sam questions. "yea I guess so." I state with a sigh. "ooh we should have a sleepover!" Lils says excited. "but who's house?" She adds. "I'll text my mom to see if you guys can stay?" I offer. "Ok." They say at once.

Me: hey mom can the girls stay over today and tomorrow?

Mom: yea sure. They can even stay for the weekend

Me: thanks mom you're the best! Lol❤️

"Why did you text your mom lol?" Liz asks, reading my last text over my shoulder. "She thinks it means lots of love." I reply waiting for my mom to respond. "Oh ok" she says and then starts a mini conversation with the other girls.

Mom: no problem. Love you too😆

After that text I turn off my phone screen and turn to the girls, shutting down their conversation as they look at me expectantly. "She said you guys can stay until sunday." I tell them while putting my phone into pocket. "cool now it will be easier to meet up and go shopping." Sam said. "yup." I replied and as soon as the word came out my mouth, the bell rang signaling the beginning of the school day. "c'mon, let's get to class." Nessa says and we all nod, making our way to homeroom.


"Woohoo! macaroni mondays!" Sam shouts while we're in line waiting for our lunch. "How hungry are you right now on a scale from 1-10?" Nessa asks Sam. "10, duh." "should of known." Liz
says. "Yea she's hungry every 5 minutes." Nicky adds and we all laugh. "hey! It's not my fault my food digest all quick and easy." Sam exclaims. "Yea, yea, just get you're food miss piggy." I say to her. "Oink, oink." Sam snorts and we just laugh again.

As we sit at our table Lils is the first to talk. "So, any new gossip?" She ask. We all instantly advert our eyes to Nicky since she's the gossip queen of our group. "ok well I heard that Michelle and Rayquan broke up, Joselyn is no longer a virgin, and we should all know this, slutty Gabby is obsessed with the baddest of bad boys, Javier." She ends starting to dig into her lunch. "yea we know that, so Michelle and Rayquan, golden couple of Colorado high, are finally separated?" I asked I'm disbelief. "yup. major heartache for both of them." Nicky replies with a full mouth. "Gross Nic." Lils replies, looking at Nicky with a disgusted face. "okay, okay, I'll chew." Nicky replies, chewing and swallowing the food in her mouth.

"So, goody-goody Joselyn is not a virgin anymore? who she give it up to?" Liz asked getting back on topic. " I heard it was Jack, but you never know. Jack slept with so many girls, he lost count." Nicky answers. "true, true." we all agree on the part about Jack's player ways. "Ok wait, so out of all people, why Jack?" Sam asks. "I don't know, he probably pressured her just to get laid." Nicky says with a chuckle. "true, his manhood was probably getting bored without some action." Lils adds making us all laugh. "Hello ladies." Javier says walking up to our table with his group of friends. I turn and look at him. "Hello jerk face." I say with a sickly sweet smile and then turn to the rest of the boys. "hey hot stuffs." I say with a flirtatious smile. "hey sexy, you coming to Javier's party?" Jonathan asks, flirting back. "only if you are" I say bitting my lip and twirling a piece of my dirty blonde hair. "I'll be there" he says leaning closer to me. "then so will I" I reply leaning further into the table. Before Jonathan can lean any closer Javier pulls him back, saying they have somewhere to be.

Javier's pov
I can't believe they're flirting right in front of me. I mean, it's just not right. my best friend and my sworn enemy flirting. In what universe is that ok? None, that's what. I see Jonathan leaning in closer every time he says something, so without a second thought I pull him back and quickly come up with an excuse. "oh, um, I just remember we have somewhere to be."i rushed out and dragged the boys out of the cafeteria.

"What was that!!" I yell onwards Jonathan as soon as we're out side of the cafeteria. "What do you mean?" He asks sounding generally confused. "Exactly what I said!" I yell even louder. "Dude calm down, just tell us what you're so mad about." Jason says trying to get to calm down. "He was flirting with that she-devil , that's why I'm so mad!" I shout, throwing my hands in the air dramatically. "you have a thing for her don't you?" Cameron asks with a smirk on his face. "Eww no! I will never like that....thing." I say in disgust. "sure" cole says, his voice full of sarcasm. "whatever let's just get to class, the bell should be ringing any second now" I say trying to change the subject. "Ok, but we are not done talking about this." Michael says as we start to walk. As we are walking done the hallway, the bell rings signaling the end of lunch and soon people swarm out of the cafeteria. all I can think right now is that it's going to be a long day.
A/n: Sorry if it looks like a bunch. Something's either wrong with my phone or my wattpad app but either way the stupid thing won't let me put gaps in between the paragraphs so sorry if it look like one big paragraph.

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