The Devil And Me

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                                       »Not only did I love her,

                         but I could tell the universe loved her, too.

                                            More than others.

                                            She was different.

                                                   After all;

                                  I would be a fool not to notice

                               the way the sunshine played with

                                                 her hair.«

                                    Christopher Poindexter

I tried to fall asleep but my heart would not stop beating too fast.

Pumping too much blood.

Keeping me awake.

Lucifer had closed his eyes hours ago. And here I was; still awake with a crazy heart.

Quietly, my legs slipped from under the covers, hitting the freezing floor. Darkness caressed the windows, only a moonlight shadow crashing through. It was so bright, it must've been a full moon.

I wrapped myself into one of the covers; realizing that the movies made it seem much easier and more elegant than it actually was. With only a pair of butterfly printed underwear and purple silk cloaking my bare-skinned body, I walked towards one of the windows.

The view truly was enchanting; almost fairy tale like. A dark forest kissed the edges of a small garden, with only one tree. I could not tell what kind of tree it was. It had no leafs.

Its branches were like the arms of a skeleton, reaching up, towards the moon. Moonlight cast almost a sinister shadow over the silhouette of that, large tree.

One, alone tree, facing a million others of his kind.

Lonely tree, visited only by the moon. Like a sad, love story.

Stars joined the celestial body, who stole its light from the sun. The very same ones' Lucifer was forged out of all those years ago. They showed him a way home, a path only gods dared to walk, Heaven which he left for his Love. The reason he fell.

I know of this language, which is delightfully romantic. Slovenian not only has singular and plural, but also dual; when a noun or pronoun appears in dual form, it is interpreted as referring to precisely two entities. One of the few languages that carries that beautiful ability.

It also has two - I love you – sentences. The first one; rada te imam, - refers to friends, family, and people who you have a crush on. But the other one, oh, the other one, is reserved only for the people of the out most significance to you, your soul-mate, the one you not only love, but are also in love with, - ljubim te.

I wanted to speak the last one to Lucifer. The one that will always belong to him, and only him.

I knew that I won't hear it back, but I did not care. Love had left him alone for centuries, alone without empathy, creating a monster parents scare their kids with. A monster, parents are scared of themselves. Even if he had no love to give, I did.

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