Car ride to hell

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After making herself presentable, Kaiya rushed downstairs. She needed to find her.


Well, because...she didn't really know it herself to be honest but all she did know was that she needed to find her. Like an instinct. She had too. Plus, the girl was in terrible shape. She was being helpful, right?

« You're going already? » her mom questioned, emerging from the kitchen.

« Uh...yeah. Emily just called me she's already at the mall »

« Oh ok, enjoy your day sweetie » she blew Kaiya a kiss.

« See you later » the girl in question said, sending her her best innocent smile.

She practically run to her car and tried her best to control the speed of it. The last thing she wanted was to get arrested by the police. What will she say? 'Sorry officer, but the fugitive that hid in my closet left and I need to find her because she's badly hurt...and also I think I care'.

As she stopped to a red light, she realized she had no idea where she was going. She had no idea where the girl was even from. She knew that the heist happened at the center of the city in the business area and that the car chase was on the highway going, well, north where she lived.

Where would a criminal in hiding go?

Suddenly, a car horn startled her. Out of her dazed, she realized the light had turned green. She started the car, continuing straight ahead. What was the most logical move?

The East Side.

The East Side was the shady part of town. You could find anything there, Kaiya knew it all too well. She passed most of her high school years there. Firstly, there was a lot of clubs; some in plain sight but the most interesting ones in her opinion were the hidden ones. Like the one hidden in the basement of a bar or the one behind the fridge of a convenience store. If you told that to most people they would tell you it only exist in movies but it was all too real.

The residential area wasn't the best either, mainly because it was the poorest part of the city where people were living in poor living conditions. Due it that it was cheap and sheltered all sort of shady people. And because no money meant no security apparently, there wasn't a single CCTV in the area; likewise, the police were a rarity, for evident reasons.

The drug deals were basically happening in the middle of the street which had made the delight of young drug addict Kaiya at the time. Just the thought of these substances in her veins made Kaiya grip the steering wheel harder. Even if time passed, the need was still as strong as the day she quit it.

The East was a good start and it was all she had. Every criminal in the city were or had been there. She didn't want to stereotype them, it was just the damn truth. Because she, herself, had been there. Not as a criminal but as a customer. She wandered these streets more times than her neighborhood and she had seen so many things happening there that she knew her statement was true.

Every criminal deal took place there, especially at one place. The intruder didn't seem to work alone; she talked about getting screwed over, well, in her own words: 'fucked over'. Even criminals needed connections and there was a part specifically that was famous among the underground people. They called it 'The Red Square' and the place was literally underground, in the tunnels underneath the city. Kaiya had only been there once and it was after that night that she quit it all.

And now, she couldn't believe she was going there again.

For what?

Seeing a criminal she couldn't stop thinking about? A girl who would most likely kill her if she saw her again? Well, only if the Red Square doesn't kill her first.

She should be with her family, enjoying her holiday and go back to the life of a normal student. But that's exactly the problem. She wasn't normal. Who would take pleasure being a hostage? Only the fucked up ones.

Also, she would lie if she said that the Red Square hadn't haunted her mind ever since she had step foot in it. She dreamed about it night and day. She also had nightmares about it day and night. Although she had a bad experience there, she didn't let it strain the wonder that was this place.

You wanted sex? Any kind? Go to the Red Square. Drugs? Red Square. Legendary parties? Red Square. Weapons? Red Square. Hiring someone for an illegal job? Red Square.

Was the black haired girl a criminal for hire too? Possibly.

She wondered if the place had changed since she's been there. Well, everything changed and the Red Square will not be an exception.

Without noticing she was already on the Eastside. The panorama had drastically changed from her part of the city. The decrepit buildings were still there, the streets were less busy than the ones she was in before, only a few dared to adventure themselves here. She passed by a suspicious handshake and smiled to herself. She kinda missed these streets, as dangerous as they were but she wasn't the young fragile impressionable crackhead teenager that she was back then. She came prepared: a pocketknife in her pocket, a taser gun at reach and most importantly martial arts training.

There it was, at the end of the street. Among the graffitis on the side of a building. The Red Square. She smirked. The graffiti was still at the same place which meant that the entrance too.

She parked her car gently in the street and walked toward the alley behind the graffitis building.

Flashback of this place came back in her mind. She stopped. Her heart was beating like a drum and her little demons were coming back whispering inside her head. She took a deep breath. She felt like millions of ants were coursing inside her veins. It reminded her of her detoxification process. How that feeling almost made her lose her mind back then but now she could shake it off. She was in control now, absolute control.

She arrived in front of what might seem like an ordinary wall except that it wasn't.

She put her hand on one of the bricks, specifically the 4th one after the pipe and pushed. A small section of the wall recessed inside, revealing dark stairs going down deep into the darkness of hell.

Now it was time to face some old demons and hopefully find new ones. 


Hey everyone! 

This chapter is kinda short but I promise that the next one will be eventful ;)

Please consider leaving it a vote.

Have a great day :)


The Criminal in my Closet (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now