Sins are in our eyes

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« There is really nothing innocent about you, Baby Girl » she scoffed.

That grin. Those eyes.

Kaiya couldn't help but smile. No, not smile...Smirk.

The girl cocked her head to the side still wearing her signature arrogant grin which did a number at Kaiya's core and she chuckled.

« Why are you here? »

Kaiya thought for a second about the best answer but decided to settle for the truth, well, partial truth « To find you ». She tried to say it as unaffected as possible but knew it was probably not how it sounded; so she decided to keep her gaze locked with hers to show she was of serious matter and that she wasn't afraid here, not anymore. The girl's eyes crinkled as she tried to assess her, they became more....intense but Kaiya didn't back down.

« How did you know I would be here? »

« Gut feeling ?» Kaiya suggested defiantly. She had gained this new confidence and she loved it. This place really did bring out a part of her that she kept hidden far deep inside. A cocky attitude that became her inner voice a long time ago but that she would never voice out. A little demon on her shoulder, but where was the angel? That, she would never know.

« Gut feeling? » the criminal looked unconvinced but it didn't seem to disinterest her. On the contrary, a new spark had appeared in her eyes and Kaiya knew she had peaked her attention.

« Yeah » she simply shrugged.

The tall girl nodded slowly in thoughts and started approaching, gun still in hand but not pointed at her anymore. Kaiya couldn't help but find the sight quite hot. It was like when some people are attracted to the bad guys in movies. Why did they have to make them look so hot anyway? 

Except that for Kaiya the fantasy crossed the screen and was right in front of her.

The girl kept slowly approaching, gaze still locked on Kaiya, who didn't deflect. She sat next to her and kept coming closer. Kaiya tried to inhale slowly to not betray herself. Her heart was drumming but she needed to keep a straight face. The stranger's face closed in to only stop a few centimeters away. Kaiya's heart made a flip and her eyes were drowning in the darkness of the criminal's ones.

« What do you want? » she whispered, her hot breath hitting Kaiya's face, making her hairs stand on the back of her neck.

That was such a good question, yet, a question that Kaiya couldn't answer. She didn't know it herself. So instead, she just stared at her and felt the rush of adrenaline infusing her mind, she wrapped her hand around the gun grinning and put her other hand on the girl's stomach at the exact spot of her wounds, pressing slightly. The girl squirmed, groaning from the light pain but didn't detach her eyes from hers. To Kaiya's surprised her smirk even widened.

« If I didn't know any better I'll say you're crazy »

Kaiya chuckled « Maybe...but if I am so are you »

The girl chuckled back « Definitely »

However, they didn't have the time to enjoy the moment as two men intrude the booth. They immediately raised their guns, Kaiya couldn't say she was surprised though, that place really left her unfazed by such things, however, the guns weren't on the both of them. They were only directed toward the nameless girl.

The men both looked like weird crooks; they had enough muscles to crush them both, they wore all black just like the intruder. The guy on the left had a nasty scar on his left cheek, making him look like the stereotype of the bad guy but also like...really scary. The guy on the right started advancing, a scary grin forming on his face. One that Kaiya definitely didn't like.

« Mint, it's good to see you're still alive » he chuckled, clearly not surprised nor sincere.

For the first time, Kaiya learned something about the girl beside her. MINT. Clearly a nickname and she could understand why. The smell of it was all around her.

Mint's jaw was clenched when Kaiya looked in her direction and her stare toward the man was deadly. She clearly bore pure hatred toward them. They were not her friends that for sure.

« If you're here for the package I don't have it » Mint said, mischievously smirking. She didn't care to have a gun pointed at her and Kaiya didn't know if it was brave or suicidal at this point. The two men seemed like they would be happy to hurt her or even kill her.

« Oh, baby girl, don't be like that » the guy faked being hurt « We know you got it »

Kaiya was a bit lost but quite entertained by the exchange. She knew this was going to go down already. It didn't take a genius to figure it out. The question was: was any of them going to leave this booth alive?

Mint got up slowly, hands up « See...when I said I didn't have it maybe I should have clarified that it's because I already sold it » she laughed. Kaiya could see her arrogant face from where she was sitting and as much as that particular expression made her feel a lot of diverse emotions, this time it occurred nothing good. The two goons seemed to have become enraged and Kaiya tried to remain unnoticed as she carefully slipped to the side of the booth. Readying herself for a quick escape.

« Tsk » the guy in front of Mint shook his head « Why did you do that, Mint? You knew it would seal your death sentence »

Unexpectedly, Mint burst in laughter, leaving the two guys completely confused by her reaction. Kaiya, however, suppressed the smile that threatened to appear on her face. Clever girl, she thought. When you're outnumbered and in a position of weakness do everything to distract the enemy.

« What's so funny? » asked the guy exasperated, raising is gun straighter toward her but before she could answer a woman dressed in little clothes (a bra and short jeans) slide inside the booth carrying a bottle of champagne and glasses. Kaiya realized quickly she was one of the waitresses. That's what's called one hell of a distraction. Mint took advantage of the situation to snatched the gun from the guy's hand, she shot him in the leg and in the other guy's leg too, earning screams of pain from the both of them. The waitress exited as fast as she came in.

In the turmoil, Mint took hold of Kaiya's hand and dragged her outside. The fabric of the curtain hit Kaiya's face but disappear just as fast. Mint got her running. They pushed their way passed a succession of bodies in movement on the dance floor. They passed the last of the booths to arrive at the private rooms' hallway but they didn't stop. They kept running. Mint opened the last door and rushed up the stairs. Kaiya had trouble following her, her arm was hurting but she wasn't slowing down. They arrived in an alley, different from the one she came in. They were almost out of breath but couldn't stop.

« Did you come here by car? » Mint asked. Kaiya could only nod, unable to speak. « Lead the way ».

She rushed Kaiya before her, looking behind them. Kaiya didn't even want to look behind, too afraid of what she could find so she kept running until she saw her car. She took her keys out and quickly climbed inside. Mint took place on the other side. They were both panting. Kaiya had a hard time putting her keys in the ignition and once she did, she heard a familiar electrical sound. Her blood rushed. She slowly looked up in confusion. Mint was staring at her with her mischievous smirk on, Kaiya's eyes fell on what was in her hand. A taser. Her taser. She didn't have the time to react or ask how she got it that she felt the intense current traverse her and then everything went black. 


Hey everyone! 

Sorry for the wait. I hope that you enjoyed it.

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Have a great day :)

See you next week. 


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