Ch.6 Netfix with Niall

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A week later

I got home from school and niall came home with me, dad has been going on a lot of dates and that's means I'm home alone a lot do niall came home with me so won't be lonely. Me and niall have gotten a lot closer this past week. And he is really a good friend to have.

"Niall what do you want to do?" "Um can we eat something I'm hungry!" "You're always hungry!" "I know!" Then he ran downstairs into the kitchen. I laughed and then I walked downstairs to find him in the kitchen eating Nandos. "So you found my nandos eh!" "Yeah can I have it please!" "Yes you can have it" "Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou!" Then we stuffed the food in his mouth.

After he was done eating I said "I'm bored" "yeah me too...wanna watch Netflix?" "Sure!" We go to my room and layed down on my bed. "Oh! How about mean girls!" "Yessssss" niall said then I clicked the movie.

Me and niall were saying like every word. After that one was done I said "so wanna watch the second one?!?!" "Yassssss" I laughed as clicked the movie.

About when the movie was done we heard "Lily I'm home!" I ran down and I gave my dad a hug and I said "I missed you!" "I missed you too honey" then niall said "hey li" "yeah niall" "I'm going to go home ok I will see you tomorrow ok I love you!" "Love you to nialler!" He hugged me and then he left.

"I got something to tell you lily" "yeah dad" "well you know how I'm going out with that girl for a while?" "Yeah what about it?" "Well I asked her to be my girlfriend, and her and her son is coming for supper tomoorow night and I think his name is Harry"

Oh no....this can't be happening!

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