Ch.11 church with Niall

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I woke up to niall beside me with his arm around me very tightly and I had to go pee really bad. "Niall" I shook him and he did even move. Then I said "niall you want some fooooddd" he opened his eyes and said "yes!" "Will let me get up and pee" "oh ok" he let me up and I went and used the bathroom. After I back niall had a church clothes on and I said "oh are we going to church?" "Yep get ready!!" "Yay!!!" I went into my room and got out my pink and tan long dress and then some pink high heels. Then I got some tan cross earrings and a tan purse and some make up and ten I put on my pink believe nectlace. "Niall I'm ready" "ok your dad is already there" "ok let's go" "ok you look beautiful by the way" "Thankyou niall" we go out to the car and drive to church.

We get there and sit down with my dad and Niall's parents and then the preacher started the surman.

After church we all went and ate a Red Lobster. We get in the restaurant and they give us a booth and chairs. Me and niall say by eachother and his mom and dad sat with eachother and dad sat beside me. Me and niall shared some crab and dad got chicken strips and Niall's mom and dad got crab.

After we were done eating I went home with dad and changed my clothes and then I realized I have to go back to school tomorrow. Oh shit

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