Ch.10 im sorry

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Niall drops me off and I walk up to my room not even telling dad hi like I always do. I go up to my room and find my black little box that has things in it to help me escape. I pull out he razor and I sit down on my floor and I cut on time and said "your ugly" then another one saying "your fat" and a another one "your worthl-" "what are you doing?!?" I hear harry say that made me jump and I said "what are you doing here!" "I came here with my mom, now what are you doing!" He came down and keeled down beside me and took my wrist and said "oh my gosh" a tear came out of his eye and I backed away and said "don't hit me" I see a tear go down his face, and he said "oh Lily I'm so sorry I didn't know, I took it too far I'm so sorry" he sat down and cried and I said "oh now you care?" "Wh-" "you saw them at school Harry! And you laughed!" "I know I'm so sorry I thought they were fake" "well they weren't" I ran out of the house. I don't know where I was going but I know that I'm going to get way from that house as fast as I can.

After a while I found a park and I went and sat on the swings. I was crying and my wrist finally stopped bleeding and then it started raining and it was raining hard so I got out my phone out and I called Niall.

On the phone with niall

N-" hello"

L-"hey niall"

N-"what's wrong Lily?"

L-"um Im lost I need to pick me up please"

N-"where are you at babe"

L-"at a park"

N-"ok I know where that is I will be there in just a second hold on ok"

L-"ok bye niall"

N-"bye lily"

End of the phone call

I was shaking and I couldn't feel my toes and then niall pulled up and he jumped out of the car and put a blanket over me and said "come on let's go home to my house ok" "ok" we get inside of the car and went To niall's house.

We get there and he gives me some clothes and we sit down on the couch and niall said "what happened" I told niall everything and he said "let me see your wrist" "niall no" "please" "why?" "To know how many times you needed me and I wasn't there" he was crying and I was too and then I showed him my cuts and he gasped and then he kissed every one of them and said "please don't do it again" "I won't" he hugged me and I hugged back and I said "I love you niall soo much your my best friend and no one cared about me this much" "I love you too lily" then he said "you ready for bed it's really late" "yeah hey niall can I sleep with you" "sure you can" we go to his bedroom and I laid down and so did niall and he put his arm around me and pulled me close. And right then I actually felt safe.

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