Escape with a stranger

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  I couldn't remember what I saw that made me run for miles , the city was getting scanty and I knew if I didn't get of of this city am going to be on the menu . I searched for weapons I could use to defend my self , a loaded gun can't kill an army of dead workers , I kept breaking into abandoned houses looking for food and weapons.
        I saw a house , although it looked abandoned I had a feeling someone was watching me , I removed the gun from under my shirt and aimed at the house. The house was blocked from inside and that was when I knew I was not alone in the city , someone smart and brave must have also survived. I used a big stick I saw lying beside the house and hit the door several times until it started breaking and I heard some noises inside and I knew someone was definitely inside the house and I wanted to know if it was a friend or a foe.
        The house looked scanty and disarranged but I still felt that someone was in the house, I moved round with my 12caliber ,this  gun really made me feel brave. I went into the kitchen and saw enough food to last me for a week , I got a bag and packed everything I could find , both into my bag and my mouth . I hadn't eaten for two days and seeing food made me feel i could give hunger a good fight.
         As I was about to leave , I saw the flower vase I saw when I came in, but it had changed location. !!I completely forgot about the stranger!!, I knew I couldn't leave he or she in this house with no food but things have changed it was now survival of the fittest. As I was about to leave a girl moved out of the basement , she wore a black shorts and a crop shirt and definitely had emerald eyes I knew I couldn't leave her , she made a deal that she would show me a car that was in good condition and in exchange she goes with me , that sounded like a good escape plan to me but one question kept rushing true my head ...... How the fuck is she still alive???

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2019 ⏰

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