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"I'm nervous." I said to Jesse trough the phone.

"Relax babe, just this week and school is over and we will have the summer for ourselves." He said and I smiled.

"Argh, I wished we went to the same school." I said and he chuckled.

"It's gonna be okay, I promise. Call me later okay?" He asked.

"Okay." I said and we hang up. I grab my backpack and breathe in and out slowly. It's gonna be okay. Just this week and I'm free. I get off the car and go inside the school. Lots of people staring at me and whispering. High School in the clinic was thousands of times better. I'm sure. The scars in my wrists are still there, of course that's why they're called scars, but they're way less visible now. Because I stopped making them. I go to my locker like I never left. No one knows about my suicide attempt and no one will ever know.

"Rachel!!" I heard someone yelling and I turn around and see Sam.

"Oh hey Sam!" I said forcing a smile. Still kind of hurts that Sam didn't believed in me.

"You look different." He said.

"Happier?" I said and he chuckled.

"Yeah." He said.

"That's because I am." I said with a smile.

"Your hair is different too." He said.

"I did highlights." I said grabbing my books.

"Why you're acting like this?" He asked.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Like nothing happened, Rachel you were out for two months!" Sam said.

"I'm not acting like nothing happened, a lot of stuff happened. I'm just -" I said but before I could keep going we were interrupted.

"OH LORD!" Someone yelled and we look to the entry door and see Finn.

"I better go." Sam said and left.

"Rach...You're back!" Finn said smiling big when he reached my locker.

"Hey Finn." I said forcing a smile.

"Hey Finn? Hey Finn?! You've been gone for two months for only God knows where and I only get a Hey Finn? Are you kidding me?" He said and I look at him confused.

"Well let's see, your name is Finn and I was greeting you." I said and he laughed.

"You and me need to talk." He said.

"About what exactly?" I asked.

"You know what, meet me at the auditorium in the lunch, okay?" He said and I sighed. He probably thinks we're gonna get back together but no way, I'm with Jesse.

"Fine." I said and he half smiled then left. I wonder if he is still with Quinn. Probably yes, what both don't do for popularity?


I go to the auditorium and see Finn sitting on the stage. When he heard the sound of the door closing he looks up and half smiled.

"Hey Finn." I said.

"Hey." He said.

"What do you wanna talk about?" I asked.

"Us." He said. "I know I've been a jerk to you. I know I don't deserve you because what I did to you was my number one regret. I had you and I blew it. You're the the greatest girl a guy could ever want, you're sweet, you're funny, you're smart and you have this amazing heart. And I blew it the best thing I ever had in my life, that was be with you. I'm sorry. But I really wanna make it work, I wanna work on us. Please Rach, give me another chance." He said and I swallowed. This is awkward.

"I'm sorry Finn, but I can't." I said.

"What do you mean you can't?" He asked.

"I met someone else." I said.

"Woah, is he bigger than me?" Finn asked. "Do I know him? Is him from here?"

"He doesn't go this school, he goes to Carmel High. And I really like him so I just want you to respect that, please." I said.

"Is he apart of the Glee Club from Carmel High? Vocal Adrenaline? With that bitch of Sunshine?" Finn asked.

"Yes, he is apart of the Vocal Adrenaline. But he wasn't even here to Regionals and Nationals and I'm not apart of Glee Club anymore so that won't be a problem." I said.

"Oh yeah..." Finn said. "Do you really like him? Like, for real?" He asked upset.

"Deeply." I said.

"I'm happy for you then." He said. I know he is not, but is nice of him trying to be.

"Thank you." I said.

"Can at least give you a welcome back from I don't know where hug?" He asked.

"Of course." I give him a small smile and he give me a tight hug and I hugged him back.

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