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Adam's point of view

There's the sound of seagulls and the splashing of ocean waves against the shore.

I want to open my eyes, but I find it so tiring that I just let them stay closed.

"Still the same sleeping beauty, huh? Am I going to have to kiss you for you to wake up?" says a familiar teasing voice.

My eyes flutter open.

I know that voice. It's the same voice of my best friend. The voice of the girl I once loved and never saw again.

But I stay laying where I am. I don't move. Not only because it's too tiring and painful to even try to move, but also because I don't want to get my hopes up.

I don't want to risk getting heartbroken if I look and realize that's it not her. Because it can't be. She died nearly a decade ago. And I haven't seen her nearly 4 years ago.

"Are you just going to keep on ignoring me?" the voice says again. But this time, there's hurt in her voice.

It takes all of my willpower to crane my neck to look at where the voice is coming from.

I don't want to look, but I have to face reality someday.

I look.

Tears pool in my eyes, but I don't care if she sees.

It's One.

My best friend.

She's alive.

She's here.

The tears freely come out of my eyes now.

One is crying now too.

And even though I feel so weak and vulnerable, I suddenly have strength. I lift myself up and hug her.

I hug her hard.

I don't ever want to let her go. I want One to stay here. To never disappear like she did all those years ago.

We both sob, hugging each other.

I bury my face into One's hair and cry. Cry until I feel like I can't cry anymore. And when I think I can't cry anymore, I cry even more and harder.

One's tears slowly subside.

For about 10 more minutes, we stay that way.

One and I.

And although I have many questions to ask her, I'm glad to be with her right now. Hugging one another, and simply taking in each other's presence and the fact that we're finally together, after so long.

I don't know how I managed to get to our place, to the Californian beach, and I don't know if this is a dream or something, but I do know that this is the real One that I know and love. For some strange reason, I know it's her.

Finally, I stop crying. But I don't dare look up at One. I can't imagine how ugly I look. With my too-big-for-my-face nose and puffy red eyes, I don't want One seeing me like this.

One strokes my long black hair.

"Adam..." One starts.

When she doesn't continue, I force myself to look at her.

One smiles.

It's a kind smile, with a hint of a tease.

I never thought I'd see that smile again.

But what's more surprising is the fact that I'm able to touch her. But of course, we're in our place. We're both ghosts here.

Even though we'd been hugging for more than 10 minutes, I just realized that and am amazed.

Oadam: A Lorien Legacies FanficWhere stories live. Discover now