New Wings Alert!

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LIVE Comment Section:

SimplyShouting: Well, this is new.

TheHivewingsMustDie: It has something to do with Book 13, whatever that is, doesn't it?

InfinityGod: Correct! However, if any of you knew what that was, I'd get scolded by ManyManyPaths. Just know it has a connection to the Poison Jungle.

JungleSecrets: Oh, so more of the mighty Leafwings are joining the site? Very well, I approve.

QuestionsAndBooks: Oh, wait, is TheHivewingsMustDie's OTL among them?

InfinityGod: Yes. Her TTL's, in fact.

TheHivewingsMustDie: Oh god.

TheHivewingsMustDie Has Muted JungleSecrets

JustASilkwing: What was that for?

TheHivewingsMustDie: She's going to react badly, so I want the satisfaction of being able to not hear her.

AnimusPrincess: Oh, I've been there.

Reviewer Approaching!

InfinityGod: Oh boy, here we go. I should mention something. Shortly before someone joins, one of their quotes appears so you get a guessing chance.

"Well, 'future' husband sounds weird."

TheHiewingsMustDie: He's joining??? Wow. Didn't see that coming.

GloryRules: You know the new one? Who is it?

TheHivewingsMustDie: Well, for one thing, I think QueenSilver knows someone with the same name.

QueenSilver: Narrow it down.

TheHivewingsMustDie: The Orhid incident.

QueenSilver: OH. She's right, I do know who it is.

SortTheBugs, also known as Mandrake, has joined!

Last Film Seen: Next

SortTheBugs: Hi guys!

QueenSilver: Oh, I thought he'd be called Mangrove, not Mandrake.

WaspisGreat: Next? Really? That was an odd movie. And that twist, why did they have to put that in there? Pshhhh.

SortTheBugs: Hey, I personally like Nicholas Cage, so I wanted to check it out!

GloryMustDie: If it's a Philip K. Dick film, I'm watching it. Don't care if its good or not, its PHILIP K DICK.

Reviewer Approaching!

"Why? I could do it so much faster without any magical powers."

YouLittleBrats: So a SimplyShouting clone, then?

SImplyShouting: HEY!

StrawberrysYUM: Me thinxin it be DREWW

FutureMinds: PEACEMAKER?! Aren't you a bit too young for this website?

StrawberrysYUM: I don think mommy told me no....hmmmm.....maybe she did.....I'll go ask.

StrawberrysYUM has disconnnected

NightlyHope: Hey guys, what's new-WTF HOW DID PEACEY GET ON HERE?!

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