The End of Link?

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"Help me get him out of here..." Zelda turned to Impa before the two of them picked up Link's limp body.

The three knights drew their swords and made a circle around the two carrying Link. It wasn't much of a blockade but it was better than nothing.

Link started to moan the second they picked him up. It seemed that the second they moved him, some of his wounds had opened up again and the blood continued to pour out of him. Zelda could feel tears welling up in her eyes but she refused to let them go. If she burst into tears right at that second, she feared she would go back into her panic mode and freak out.

"Be careful when moving him..." Pike warned the two, "With this much bleeding, he might not last much longer."

"Then we better get into the catacombs as fast as we can, I doubt my distraction will last much longer..." Zelda bit down on her lip as she remembered that Isaac was presumably being locked up right now, just to save Link.

"Huh? Distraction?" Arthur cocked an eyebrow at the Princess.

"One of the Sheikahs risked their life to distract the Gerudo while I tried to get to Link." She explained as they all rounded a corner.

"I got it!" Siren half whispered, half cheered as he came round the corner with a bag full of Pike's medical herbs and equipment.

"Just in time!" Pike sighed as he took the bag and started to rumage around inside.

"Guys... We have company!" Hable yelled as an entire squadron of Gerudo warriors came round the corner.


Ganondorf glared down at the Royal Guard knights that were lined up in front of him. They all stood there, waiting, confused as to why the King had summoned them so late at night.

They heard footsteps approaching before the throne room burst open and the Gerudo guards forced their prisoners inside.

Six of them had to be wrestled to stay captive but Link, with his wounds still open and loosing blood, was simply dragged along the floor.

All the knights in the Royal Guard gasped as they recognised one of the prisoners.

Beautiful golden hair with a face of pure perfection, it was definitely Princess Zelda.

As they were brought before the beast of a king, they were forced into their knees.

"Well well well..." Ganondorf chuckled, "My beautiful bride... Come to take your place at my side?" He cooed, gesturing to the floor besides the throne.

"Never!" Zelda spat.

"A pity..." He sighed as he got up and walked towards the prisoners.

He came forward and grabbed Zelda's chin, forcing her to look up into his hollow red eyes. His touch again for the first time in nearly a year made her skin crawl and it took her every will not to break down into a massive panic.

"Such a pity to waist such a beautiful thing..." He chuckled.

He took out his jagged sword and lifted it high into the air, ready to strike. Zelda braced herself for the inevitability of h r sudden death when...

"Don't you dare touch her!"

Ganondorf stopped mid swing and snapped his head in the direction of the person who dared interupt him.

Link, though his wounds were loosing blood fast and it took all of his energy, was laying on the ground still but with his head up and glaring at Ganondorf. Zelda was in danger and his adrenaline had kicked in. His hand begun to glow, showing his Triforce of Courage.

Ganondorf hesitated for a minute, his eyes showing a flicker of fear before he threw his head back and laughed.

"Pick up your sword!" He commanded as he took the Mastersword from his belt and threw it to the floor in front of Link.

Link groaned and bit down on his lip as he crawled towards the sword. He felt another wave of agony pass over him as he struggled to his feet. His entire body was riving in pain but if this fight meant Zelda would be safe then he willed himself up.

"You can't ask him to fight!" Arthur yelled at the king, earning him a punch by a Gerudo, "He's mortally injured! It's not a fair fight!"

Ganondorf chuckled as he looked down at the soldier, "It is said that the Hero who wields the Triforce of Courage is always ready to fight."

"Link!" Zelda yelped as he stood up shakily and poised the Mastersword.

Ganondorf growled as he swung his huge jagged sword down. Link hopped out of the way and thrust the sword forward, nicking the beast on the leg.

Ganondorf growled and swung his sword again.

Though Link was gravely wounded, he still put up a good fight until...

"LINK!" Zelda screamed as she wrestled her way out of the Gerudo's grip and ran at him.

Link clutched his abdomen and looked down to where a new wound had been opened up and he was loosing blood. He held onto consciousness just enough to see Zelda sprinting to him before he went limp and fell to the ground.

Pike, Arthur, Hable, Impa and Siren all fought their way out of the Gerudo as well and ran towards Link and Zelda.

"Link! Link stay with me! Come on Link!" Zelda cried as she knelt down next to him and pulled him up so his head was resting on her lap.

"Gimme the bag!" Pike yelped and Siren handed over his bag of herbs, "I need to act fast!"

The entirety of the Royal Guard was just standing there speechless. They had to do something...

Zelda rocked Link back and forth as Pike hastily took his medicines out. Her tears never stopped, they poured like a waterfall down her cheeks.

She heard footsteps approaching her. They weren't Ganondorf's but they seemed heavy and hard. It could only be.... Vulga...

Zelda got up shakily and took out the Jeweled dagger that had the name 'VULGA' carved into it.

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