Alone time

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Phineas and Ferb were sitting together underneath the tree like always, thinking of what to do today since that Baljeet, Buford, Isabella, and all his other friends were busy. Phineas placed his pointer finger and thumb on his chin, stroaking it a little bit. He looked at Ferb. "I don't know what we're going to do today" He finally spoke as he turned to look at Ferb who was always anymously quiet. "Buford is at his dad's house, Baljeet is at a science fair, and isabella is at her firesight girl's meeting." Phineas paused as Candace looked out her window of her bedroom, pumping her fist up into the air. "I demand to know what you two are doing today!" She said, looking all around for anything they might of already started working on. To her surprise, there was nothing. And there wasn't even Isabella, Buford, and Baljeet. Candace looked back at Phineas and Ferb. "Well- We don't have any idea of what to do today, Candance." He replied as he looked up at her in confusion. She stayed quiet a minute, then spoke up again. "Where's Isabella, and that one big kid, with the black shirt- and- and tha little science kid with the afro?" She demanded to know. Phineas replied; "Isabella has a meeting. Buford is at his dad's, and Baljeet is doing a science fair." He answered all her questions. Candace eyes widened. "Could it finally be a day without busting?!" She said to herself, smiling. "A good day finally!? To go see Jeremy without being bothered?!" She laughed histerically as she shut her window and began to get dressed. Phineas and Ferb looked at eachother, confused as ever. "Any plans you have Ferb?" Phineas asked, curious. The green haired boy smirked in the corner of his mouth, standing up. "I'm going to take Vanessa to a resteraunt." He replied. Phineas smiled. "Okay, go have fun with your love bird!" He crossed his legs as he said so. Ferb did a salute and wondered off inside. "Indeed I will." He remarked. Phineas stopped smiling as soon as Ferb disapeared, sighing. "What to do today.." He thought. After a few minutes of repeatedly thinking, Phineas heard the gate door swing open. To his surprise, his little long black haired, pink dress, friend, was standing there. "Whatcha' doin'~?" Isabella said, smiling at Phineas with such loving eyes. Phineas smiled. "Isabella! I thought you were at t- She cut him off and replied, instantly knowing what he was going to ask. "It was canceled, sadly." She said as she frowned. She then got back to smiling a second after, making her way over to Phineas. "Oh, I'm sorry. And well- Ferb is gone with Vanessa and the others- You know-" Phineas began to say. Isabella's eyes widened as she stared at Phineas talking, which who was now inaudiable due to her talking to herself in her mind. 'Wait, me and Phineas get to spend the whole day together? Without the others?! And, we- We barely do! This is truly the best day ever!' She was imterupted by Phineas calling her name. "Isabella? Hey, Isabella? You there?" He kept on asking. Isabella snapped out of it and got very embarrassed, rubbing the back of her neck. "Yeah, sorry Phineas!" She answered, laughing nervously. Phineas smiled. "Anyways, what do you want to do today?" He asked her. She smiled big. "You mean, I can pick?" She asked, her heart racing more than ever. He nodded. "Yes, yes you can." She was a smiling mess now. She began to think of what they could do. Maybe a date, go to a fancy resteraunt? Go to the park together? Go ride their bikes? She finally thought of something. "Phineas, let's just stay here, and- Uh, maybe talk about our futures! And I really want to ask you for some advice." She said. Phineas smiled. "Okay, Isabella, whatever you want!" He replied to her.
Isabella smiled more. "Well- I wanted to ask- I- I have a huge crush on this boy. And- what should I say to him? To like.. Tell him how i feel about him?" She asked, blushing slightly. Phineas continued to smile and lifted up his right eyebrow. "Hmm, tell him that you love him and that you appreciate him." He answered her. "I love you and I appreciate you!" She said. Phineas continued to smile. "Yeah, like that!" He responded. She shook her head in frustration. "No, No, Phineas.. I love you and I appreciate YOU!" She said, very embarrassed. Phineas's eyes widened. He went back to smiling. "W-Wow, Isabella, I- I never knew that-" He paused and Isabella began to go on. "I was being so obvious, I've liked you since I first met you! The card, the oragami of your faces! Coming over every day just to say watcha' doin, but you never noticed me." She said, frowning. Phineas stopped smiling. "Isabella, geez, I'm sorry. I was blind. I just didn't notice." He said as he smiled nervously. Isabella smiled nervously as well. "So.. You don't hate me for it?" She asked after a minute of silence. "No, of course not, you're my best friend!" He said, smiling bigger. "Oh, Phineas.." She paused and stared at him. "You don't like me back, do you?" She asked. Phineas rubbed the back of his neck. "Now that you mention it, I guess I kind of do. I always had that little tingle in my heart when you were around, Isabella, and, well- Isabella's face turned red as he said that, becoming so hopeful. "You do?!" She asked, happily. Phineas blushed slightly. "I mean, yeah- You're cute, funny, unique, and talented, Isabella!" He answered her, smiling bigger. Isabella then hugged Phineas tightly and that was the biggest hug she ever gave him. Phineas smiled and laughed nervously. "I-Isabella" He was cut off to Isabella giving him his first kiss, yet gentle, with a bit of movement. Phineas's eyes widened as she kissed him, staying still, blushing more than he has ever in his entire life. He stood frozen for a few more seconds, then kissing her back just for a few moments. Isabella broke the kiss and looked at Phineas, blushing more, with a huge smile on her face. "I-Isabella" He said as he smiled as well, rubbing his arm. "I never kissed someone before- And I-" He kept stuttering from all this suddeness. "Me too, Phineas. Me too.." She added.


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