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    Green uncharted mist filled the air. A horrid mischievous oder was filled all around Asgard where lies the home of the most powerful Gods. The Odinsons. Lightning strike, but the thunder god did not cause this, cause for you see this wasn't his lightning...and ''tis, not his mist. So who had caused this? Only one person that loves misfortune. Loki the son of Fárbauti a frost giant of mishap.

What was he doing? And this mist? Heimdall had already seen it for he was awake before dawn itself. He watched and stared, but did not move. He was a watchman and he simply did what he simply do...he watched.

Baldr had just awoken, but the light did not shine on his purity. He felt the dread of the storm roaming over Asgard and immediately he had to wake. As he pierced out the window of his bedroom he had seen the storm covering all of his world. That joy that was in him seemed to deem as he realized the attack on his home.

Volstagg and Sif had already gone to the center where the source of the mystery mist had come about and spread. It now covered all of Asgard now and was becoming thicker. No one at the moment knew who had caused it yet. All except Heimdall. The green spell was in the water of the Asgard fountain pulsing out changing the once all blue crystal water, to an ever so icky green.

"What is this madness?" Sif turned to Volstagg for an answer, but in return, he gave her a confused face that she as well wears. Neither knew of what was happening. And neither knew of how to stop it.

"Where is my brother?", Baldr called. Sif and Volstagg immediately turned to see Baldr barley dresses, but enough dressed so that he could go into battle.

"Thor is off afar", Sif begins.

"But surely he has seen this mist and is on his way", Volstagg finished.

Baldr sighed and lowered his head shaking it slightly and then suddenly raising it. The Asgard civilians were beginning to wake and had seen of the green that has clouded there once pure sky. The screams erupted and caused a panic quickly.

In the distance of all the chaotic screaming, the soft strumming of the music of Bragi harp could be heard in the attempts to calm all of Asgard who has diverse into a mundane panic. Loki smiled at his greedy plan that was forming into action piece by piece. He smiled evilly over Asgard.

"Soon we will be taken somewhere brand new". Loki whispered upon himself," somewhere where we are not the only gods to be made."

From far, far away. Another realm to be exact in an alternate universe green mist appeared and covered the land. A tall blonde muscular figure approach from within his domain as he stood on the steps of his palace of security and gorgeousnesses.

It didn't seem so secure now as the green cloud fills all over his realm. He was in confusion. He was the sky god and knew everything when it came about the sky. So why didn't he know this? This meaning it wasn't his work in action.

Only just now seeing this green danger, as the Gods made their way to Mt. Olympic the others seeming to show soon. First making there way here was Hermes, as he flew in on his winged shoes, Athena shortly after, Hades who sprung from the hells of the underworld, Poseidon from the sea, Ares, Apollo, Hercules, and etc more. All had come to Olympic to see what Zeus had done. Feeling the evil and treachery from the immense mist that had clouded Mt. Olympic home of the Gods.

"What is this?", Metis Zeus first wife had questioned. Zeus looked down upon her and did not answer for he had no answer at all and did not want it to seem like he didn't so he simply did not reply and stared back at the green.

It covers the sky from all over the land. A yellowish and green lightning strikes near Mt. Olympic as the mist grew thicker as if to suffocate them, but it never did. It remained there and stood there as all the Gods could do was look upon it.

It settled and became still for what felt like hours, but only minutes. Then a quake shook the ground and the floated home of Zeus. They all felt it as eyes settled on Poseidon knowing that he was the god of earthquakes as well as sea and horses.

Poseidon looks back at everyone he could lay eyes upon and shook his head, "that was not my doing." Then suddenly the green mist in the sky rumbled and a large hole opened in the middle of it showing another side. A water fountain fell from it as it oozed green water and landed inches in front of Artemis as it broke into serval pieces.

Then suddenly, they heard voices from the other side. Every one of the Greek Gods looks upon one another in questions. Then was a sudden blast before anyone could question it. There was four total. The first mentioned. The second one that caused an immense power to run throughout the Greeks and the third that caused a push on the Mt. as if trying to fit another large place in this world.

The last one sent a huge blast through the realm and knocked the Olympians to there backs. The wave of confusion was set into place as they all quickly noticed something once looking back upon the sky.

The green was gone.

Before there was a question to where it had gone a thunderstorm could be smelt from afar. Only Zeus and Poseidon smelling it and feeling the energy it created. Zeus smiled as he ready his lightning bolt that he commanded to his side.

Zeus without hesitation jumped in the air and was readying his attack, but as soon as he begins to attack a wave of bright blue lightning strikes Zeus immediately catching him off guard. He fell down on the Olympic floor which caused the cement to break underneath him.

Hera gasped as she was the first to run to Zeus side followed by his many other wives. As Hera was beginning to pick up his head laughter erupted from the mouth of the sky god. He took no time in gathering to his feet to face the person who had just now landed on the Olympic.

He smiled smugly at the other god who was all but Greek. He looked upon the red-headed God as his eyes shined with a fierce passion and a wave of energy. His energy almost matched his. At least that's what Zeus has thought. The god had unusually styled of clothing as it looked older modern then his. Zeus pays the least attention to this as he gathered to his senses to compare his height to the other.

Zeus stood tall and made himself seem taller, but the two were surely the same height as one another and that made him smile.

Athena was the first to pull out her weapon on the other god, "who do you think you are strike Zeus with his own lightning?"

"His lightning?", the other god questioned in confusion.

"Stand down, Athena", Zeus ordered as he smiled brightly at the similar other. Then extended his hand to him," I am Zeus. User of Lightning, Greek god of the sky."

The red-headed looked at Zeus confusion written all over his face, but no questions in mind. Then suddenly he let a small smirk form over his lips as he spoke. "I am Thor. Son of Odin, the god of thunder of Asgard."

And with that allies they became.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2019 ⏰

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