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It was the day after Vidcon. Now I have to get back to my regular life. I got dressed and headed downstairs for work. "Lola I am leaving" I said "okay love you bye" she yelled from her room "love you to"

I got to work and started taking pictures of my client. I was there for a good four hours but I am not complaining the paycheck is big.

As I was leaving, I got in my car and checked my phone.

Colby-Don't forget our date is tonight  
Colby-Are we still on?
Colby- are you mad at me or something?
Colby-Lexi please answer me I am getting worried

Lexi-Colby I am sorry for worrying you. Yes we are still on. I was at work and I didn't have my phone on, sorry.

Colby-It's alright and be ready by 6pm I am picking you up.


I got home showered and got ready for my date with Colby.

Lexi's outfit for her date

I decided to go cute and simple

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I decided to go cute and simple. It was now 6 and I was waiting on Colby outside my house.
He pulled up a couple minutes late. " Hey I am so sorry I am a little late sam took forever in the shower" he said as I got in the car. "No it's okay" I said "you look so h-beautiful" he said "Colby say what you want to say" I said smirking "you look hot" he said laughing. I laughed to. We arrived at this restaurant not to far away. "This place is so cute" I said as we walked in. "Here you go" Colby said pulling the chair out for me "thank you" I said. "So Colby tell me about yourself" I said. Before I knew it we were talking for hours. We talked about everything. We had a lot in common to. We like the color blue, we love long walks by the ocean the list goes on.

After dinner he drove us to Venice beach. It was now dark outside so it was so beautiful.
"Wow I love this place" I said getting out the car. "Come on let's go walk along the water" he said. We started walking and talking. He looked nervous. "Colby are you okay" I asked "yeah um can I hold you hand?" He said blushing I didn't even answer I just grabbed his hand and looked up at him smiling. We kept walking until we were under the pier. We sat down on the sand. "Today was perfect thanks for everything colbs" I said laying my head on his shoulder. "Of course thanks for letting me take you out" he said "you know Lex I really like you" he added on "aw colbs I like you to" I said he leaned in and we made out. I got in top of him grinding on his lap. "Lex-" he moaned aloud. "Lexi" he said again but in a serious tone "sorry did I do something wrong?" I asked "no I um I wanted to know if um you will be mine. Like my girlfriend?" He asked "yes!" I said kissing him "really?" He asked "yes Colby of course" I said. Colby took his phone out and posted a picture on instagram of us

 Colby took his phone out and posted a picture on instagram of us

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Liked by Lexi, Samgolbach, and 48,435 others

@fan-omg are they dating because I ship it
@brennen-I saw this one coming
@Lola-Get home right now

Colby took me to the Trap house. Right when we walk in everyone is there. Lola and Brennen and the whole Trap house. "What's up guys" I said to them "are you dating or not because if he doesn't claim you, I just might" Jake said laughing "haha. don't touch her" Colby said "so wait are you guys together" Lola asked "Omg yes now hope off our case" I told them laughing. They all started dancing. They were so happy. Colby grabbed my hand and brought me upstairs. "I have never been here before your room is nice" I said "do you know what's ever nicer" he said smirking "what?" I asked pecking his lips "your body" he said bitting his lip. I pushed Colby on the bed and got in top of him. Making out with him. He took my shirt off and I took his off. It got heated. He pulled my pants down doing things that felt so good. I think you know what happens from there.

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