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I woke up to my alarm at 5am. I packed my bag and put on clothes for our trip to Japan today.

Lexi's outfit

I walked out my door with my bags and saw Brennen waiting for me "Hey let me take that" he said taking my bag

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I walked out my door with my bags and saw Brennen waiting for me "Hey let me take that" he said taking my bag. "Thanks" I said. We got in his car and headed to the Trap house. The car ride was awkward "Brennen whats happening between us" I asked being bold "what do you mean?" He said "I mean all of a sudden we have been being flirty. Mostly you." I said "will if I am being honest Lex, I am catching feelings for you." It got quiet. I don't know how I feel. Colby was still in my mind. "Why?" I said "what do you mean why. Look at you. You are beautiful and kind and you care about others and you don't go kissing people's best friends" he said smirking. I laughed "yeah that I don't do" I said. "It's ok if you don't know how you feel. Just take it slow" he said I blushed. We pulled up to the Trap house. We all got in Elton's car including sam and Colby and Corey. There was only five seats so the back is going to be tight. Corey sat up front and we all sat in the back. "Lexi you might have to sit on someone's lap" Elton said. "The only persons lap I am sitting on will be Brennens" I said looking at him "okay" he said. Colby rolled his eyes. The car ride was going to be long. 3 hours to the airport. Colby sat at one window, Brennen sat by the other and Sam in the middle. I got in and sat on Brennens lap. "If you are uncomfortable I can sit on the floor" I said "no I will be fine" he said "never been more comfortable" he added on smirking. I giggled. Sam and Colby fell asleep and so did Corey in the front seat. I laid my head on Brennens chest as he played with my hair. "Is there something going on with you two?" Elton asked looking in the rare view mirror "no" we both said. Before I knew it I fell asleep.

I was waken up by Brennen shaking me "Come on we are here" he said as we all got out the car. Brennen was walking in front of me. Damn he was so hot. He had a shirt that showed his muscles and some ripped jeans and his hair was a cute kind of messy. Colby was walking behind me. Everyone else was ahead. Colby jogged up to me. "Hey" he said "hi" I said "so um I just wanted to let you know I am really sorry Lexi ever since that day I can't stop thinking about you. I fucked up" he said looking down "it's alright Colby I forgive you but we are not going to be dating again. As much as I miss you I can't get hurt" I said "I understand" he said and jogged up to the others. I truly did miss him.

We got on the plane and Brennen and I sat next to each other. Everyone else was behind us. I put my head on Brennen. "Are you excited for Japan?" I asked "yes I am going to get all the chicks" he said laughing "you better not" I said kind of getting jealous "is someone jealous?" He asked looking at me. "No" I said. "Yes" he said "whatever" I said back. He got close to my face and whispered in my ear "I hope we get a night alone" he said. I got turned on his smooth voice warmed me. "You think you can tease me?" I whispered back "hell yes" he said. I decided too can play that game. I put my hand in his shirt and rubbed his abs. I decided to go a lot lower just about to go in his pants. He moaned. I pulled back. "Is everything okay up there?" Elton asked "yep never been better just have to pee" Brennen said getting up going to the bathroom. He was so turned on.

We got off the plane in Japan. "Holy shit this is so awesome" I said to Elton. "Yes it is" Brennen said smiling. We got to the hotel and talked about what we are going to be doing for the next few days. "Okay So I need to Share a room with Brennen because he is going to help edit at night" Elton said "so pick who you guys want to stay with" Elton said. I gulped. "I will stay with Corey" Sam said grabbing the keys and running out to the room next door "I guess that leaves us" Colby said smiling. "Great" I said trying not to sound like a bitch "be nice" Elton said. I grabbed my bag and followed Colby to our room. Everyone else gets two twin beds but this room had only one queen size bed. Oh hell no. I run to Elton's room. "No I am not sleeping in the same bed as him" I said to Elton "chill Lexi I will sleep on the floor" Colby said walking up behind me "see not a big deal" Elton said. I rolled my eyes. We got back our room. "Lex?" Colby asked "yes?" I said "would you ever take me back" he said unpacking "I don't know Colby" I said signing. "I miss you" he said coming up to me picking my chain up. As much as Brennen and I have been flirting it's nothing like Colby and I. We have something so strong I can't ignore it forever. I love Brennen but it's like I am in love with Colby. I look him in the eyes "I miss you to" I said. He was leaning in and I was going to lean back in when there was a knock on the door. We both acted like nothing was about to happen when the door flew open. "Hey whats going on?" Brennen said pointing at Colby and I seeing how close we were "nothing just unpacking" I said quickly "oh ok well Elton said let's sleep tonight because it's getting late and we will go out tomorrow" Brennen said "cool" I said. Brennen walked up to me and gave me a hug "goodnight" he said "night" I said as he closed the door. "Is something going on with you and Brennen?" Colby asked "nah we are just friends" I said "oh" Colby said "so wanna watch some movies?" Colby asked "um sure"

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