Date night

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Colby was taking me on a date today in Japan. Elton and everyone decided to go bungee jumping and I was definitely not doing that so colby and I did our date then.

Lexi's outfit

I got out the bathroom from getting ready and Colby was standing there dressed so handsome with flowers in his hand

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I got out the bathroom from getting ready and Colby was standing there dressed so handsome with flowers in his hand. "Woah you look amazing" he said "thank you, not so bad yourself" I said blushing. We both got out the hotel and walked down the street. We weren't far from restaurants and the beach so we just walked to a restaurant on the beach. We walked in and got our seats. Colby pulled my chair out for me. "Thank you" I said smiling "of course" we had a really good time talking about our friends and our life. It's crazy about a month and a half ago I didn't even know this guy and I didn't even want to know him, now I think I am in love with him. Colby and I were done eating and now we were just talking. He was talking about funny moments with his friend. I put my arm on the table and my head in my hand watching him. God he was so perfect. "What are you staring at?" He said giggling "you" I said. He grabbed my hand "let's go to the beach" he said grabbing my hand. We walked out the restaurant hand in hand. I was laughing and grabbing onto his arm putting my head on his shoulder. We were walking down to the beach.

(Guys this something new I am trying. I will be doing Brennen's point of view but only for this part in this chapter. Enjoy)

Brennen point of view
We just got done bungee jumping. We were now walking down the street to find somewhere to eat. As we were walking and turning a corner I saw Lex and Colby hand and hand laughing. She looks so happy, I could never make her happy. Truth is I liked her. A lot, I didn't want to get back with Kyra I don't even talk to her, I just made that up because I know lex doesn't want me. I see the way she looks at him and she will never look at me that way. Lola used to look at me that way before things ended. I just wanted lex to be happy, she was her happiest with Colby and Colby was happy to and that was enough for me to back off. I am not going to be her fuck buddy anymore. I need to get over her and I don't want to get in the way, it's just for the best.

Lexi's point of view
Colby and I got to the beach and sat down. We watched the sunset. "This sunset is so beautiful" I said laying on his chest "just like you" he said. I looked up at him and our faces were inches away. He put his hand on my check. "I am crazy about you lex, I more then like you I love you" he said "I love you to Colby" then our lips connected. This was the real romance I needed in my life not getting hurt all the time. "So I don't want to ask you to be my girlfriend because I know you need time but I hope sometime in the future you will be mind again" he said looking me in the eyes. I didn't say anything I just grabbed his face and kissed him again. "Come on let's get back it's getting late" he said grabbing my hand. We walked back to the hotel rooms and Brennen was outside our door. "Hey Bren whats up?" I said looking confused. "Can I talk to you alone?" He asked "um sure" I said following him down the hall "what's up? Are you lonely?" I said trying to make a joke "yes, no that's not what I want" he said "oh well what do you want" I asked.

Brennen's point of view
You. I thought in my head

Lexi point of view
"I just wanted to tell you that we aren't going to be fuck buddies anymore" Brennen said "oh" I said. Did I do something wrong? Did he not enough it? Damn now I am insecure. He must of seen the look on my face from all the thoughts in my head. "It's nothing you did it's just I think you and Colby have something great going on and I don't want to get in the way" he said looking down "Brennen you aren't in the way we are just fuck buddies or were and I am not with Colby anyway" I said. He looked hurt. Tears started to form in his eyes.

Brennen point of view
Is that all I was to her? Her fuck buddy? It's crazy how she said it with no emotions like she couldn't give two shits. I started walking away.
"Brennen wait what's wrong?" She asked "Come on Brennen what the fuck is wrong" she said. I turned around fast making both of us stop "you know what's wrong lexi? You are so fucking blind. I love you okay? I love you more then just someone I was fucking, I love you for you and everything about you. But you can't see that and you love Colby and nothing I say can change that and I just want to go home" I said crying "Brennen" is all she said.

Lexis point of view
"Brennen" I said. My head was spinning I was so confused. I mean I love Colby and I am in love With him but I felt bad for Brennen. I know what he needs and it's Lola because he is just heart broken. He isn't in love with me. We don't have that connection and he knows it "just leave me alone" he said walking away. "Brennen you aren't in love with me" I said making him stop. "How are you going to tell me that" he said looking angry. "Because you are mad about what happened with Colby and Lola and that I am giving Colby another chance. But you aren't in love with me you are in love with Lola and you know it" I said "Lexi I haven't even seen her" he said "exactly so you need to see her and then you will know what real love is and it's not what pleasure is" I said it got quiet "Brennen I will always love you and I do love you just not in that way. I am in love with Colby and sometimes we just don't get to pick who we love no matter how bad they fucked you up. But you need to figure yourself out, you know we don't have a connection and we never will" I said. He walked away to his room and slammed the door.

Brennen point of view
I can't believe her. A part of me knows she is right but the other part doesn't. Maybe I did just want her so I can have her and not Colby after what he did but I knew she didn't feel the same. I miss Lola so much I am just tried of getting hurt and Lexi didn't hurt people. She deserves better then Colby but she is right we can't pick who we fall in love with it just happens.

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