Stupid Stupid Stupid! - Branjie

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"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" Vanessa yelled at herself as they loaded her into the ambulance.

"Babe, you're not stupid." Brooke soothed, getting in and reaching for her hand.

"You're not the naked one, Mary." Vanessa glared.

"No, because I didn't break my leg, and could get dressed. On second thought, maybe you are stupid." Brooke Lynn winked.

"You didn't get hurt because I broke your fall." Vanessa yelled, and Brooke's face turned red.

Great. Brooke thought, these EMT's are going to know what we were doing.

She blushes even more and avoids eye contact with the guys up front every time they glance back.

"Doing ok babe?" Brooke asks.

"Don't call me babe, I could lose my leg because of you."

Brooke rolled her eyes, "you're not going to lose your leg."

"You don't know that!"

Brooke Lynn just stared at Vanessa. She really looked panicked. Brooke squeezed her hand and gave her a soft smile. They arrived at the ER and Brooke followed as they wheeled her girlfriend through the doors. Once in the room, everything was a blur. Everyone who came in questioned them on what happened. They were not about to tell them that they fell during shower sex, so they said Vanessa fell by herself. The staff seemed to buy it.

Once Vanessa came back from x-ray, they said the results could take a bit. Brooke tries to find a way to entertain Vanessa. She doesn't seem to be in any pain, so that's good. Brooke looks around the room, and her eyes land on a box of exam gloves.

"Whatchu doing?" Vanessa grumbles, watching her girlfriend walk across the room.

"Hush, you." Was all Brooke said.

She takes it to the sink and fills it with water. Brooke ties it off, turns to Vanessa, and yells "catch!" while tossing the 'water balloon' glove at her. It lands in her lap. Vanessa scowls, grabs the glove, and holds it so only the middle finger is up. Brooke laughs.

"Cheer up, buttercup." Brooke Lynn perches herself on the side of her girl's bed, resting her hand on her cheek.

Upon closer look, she sees tears pooling in Vanessa's eyes.

"Baby," Brooke Lynn says softly, "don't cry."

A tear starts to fall, and Brooke quickly wipes it away.

"I've never broken a bone before." Vanessa squeaked out.

Brooke nodded, understanding. Vanessa is scared. She ran pushed her girls hair back off her forehead and planted a kiss above her left eyebrow.

"I got you baby, I got you. We'll get you healed fast." Brooke smiled, and Vanessa just nodded.

The door opened suddenly, and the doctor walked in.

"Okay, Miss Mateo." He said, "Bad news is it is broken. But the good news is, you don't need surgery. We'll put a cast on It, and you'll be on crutches for 6 weeks at minimum." Vanessa nodded. "What color do you want your cast to be?"

Brooke and Vanessa looked at each other, then at the doctor, and said "red."

The doctor nods and says he will be right back. While Vanessa is being casted, they learn that the break is towards her ankle, it's not broken all the way through though so it should heal easily. Once she's finished and they show her how to use the crutches, they tell her she can go home.

"I'll call Nina." Brooke says, "she said she could pick us up."

"Do you need help getting dressed, ma'am?" It was the nurse who spoke.

Brooke's eyes widened, and so did Vanessa's.

"Uhm, actually, I came in here naked." Vanessa blushed, and the nurse hid her smile.

They gave Vanessa two gowns to put on, one to cover her front, one to cover her back.

They waited on Nina, and Vanessa smirked at Brooke.

"What?" Brooke said, finally realized Vanessa was smiling at her.

"You know this means you have to take care of me, right?"

Brooke Lynn rolled her eyes, laughed, and said "Yes, princess."

Just a little something short and cute.

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