Day-Late Friend

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Alright, so warning: smut ahead. Also I DO NOT CONDONE CHEATING. 

Title and song lyrics taken from the song A Day Late by Anberlin. Enjoy. Leave feedback. Thank you. <3

"Babe!" Vanessa called from her girlfriend's living room, "are you ready yet?!"

"Almost!" yelled Aquaria.
Vanessa rolled her eyes with a fond smile. Her girlfriend always took forever to get ready.

"Our reservations are at 8." Vanessa glanced at her watch. 7:20.

"Bon'jour!" she yelled, walking into the living room.

Vanessa chuckled. Her girl always liked to make an entrance that's for sure. She was stunning in her strapless silver dress. But when was she not stunning? Vanessa's heart was full. She had loved different women, and she had loved them all differently. There was something special about Aquaria.

But Vanessa had a past, and sometimes the past came to haunt us.


"D, you ready?" Brooke asked, poking her head into the bathroom, and cringing at the sight.

Detox's organization skills, or lack thereof, were enough to drive Brooke Lynn mad. She stayed away from that bathroom if she could avoid it.

"Yea, babe, I'm almost done. What time are the reservations?"

"7:55. I think we might be a little late."

"That's okay. I think we will be okay. Let's go."

Detox switched the light off, kissed her girlfriend lightly, and they were out the door.

Detox and Brooke were quite an interesting pair. They were so much a like personality-wise that nobody would have ever imagined them together. But they were the happiest they ever had been in their lives. Well, Detox was. Brooke was.....content.

Everyone has a one that got away. Brooke had tried and tried to get over her, but her mind always drifted back. She loved Detox, she did, but she always felt like she could do more.

That's neither here nor there.

"Take a left up here, babe." Brooke said, guiding Detox to the restaurant.

They thankfully arrived in plenty of time. After handing the keys to the valet, Detox led Brooke inside by her hand. They stood waiting for the hostess, Detox wrapped her arms around her lover's waist and pulled her close.

"I love you." She whispered against her lips.

"I love you back." Brooke said, with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

Brooke was content.


"Babe let's do the valet this time." Vanessa said, "I don't wanna have to walk too far."

Aquaria nodded and pulled into the valet line. Aquaria got out and opened her girl's door for her while slipping the keys to the worker.

"You're beautiful." Aquaria said.

"You're beautifuler." Vanessa said, knowing that it very well wasn't a word.

The girls walked through the door in a fit of giggles.

Once inside, Vanessa saw a face that made her blood run cold. A face from the past that she thought about more often than she'd care to admit.

"Brooke Lynn?" she said quietly.

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