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Vanessa "Vanjie" Mateo was a loud girl from the city. When her mom decided to move them to a quieter, country town, she was less than pleased. Vanjie tried to tell her mom she didn't want to go. She tried to see if she could move in with her friends A'keria or Silky, but her mom wasn't going for it. So, she packed her things, said a reluctant goodbye to her friends, and moved to farm country. Lucky for her, she turns 18 in two months, and can go wherever the hell she wants.

Brooke Lynn Hytes was a quiet girl in a small town. A small town that she has lived in her entire life. Everyone knew everyone, there were only a handful of shops, and there was nothing to do on a Friday night. Brooke Lynn Hytes was quiet but kind, so when the pretty new girl moved in and started classes, she knew she had to try to befriend her, and make her feel welcomed.

On the first day of school, Vanjie's 6am alarm goes off, and she rolls over and groans. She's not a morning person, especially when that morning is filled with school.

Brooke, however, is a morning person, and wakes up at 5 am to do yoga.

These girls couldn't be more opposite if they tried.

Brooke loves school and is beyond prepared for her senior year. She walks into the school and heads to her locker where she is greeted by her best friend Nina.

"Senior year, heck yeah!" Nina squealed, throwing her arms around Brooke's neck, "come on, let's get to class, so we can get good seats."

"Brooke Lynn Hytes, please report to the principal's office."

"Sorry, love." Brooke said with a smile, and off she went.

Brooke walked into the office where she was greeted with a small smile from the secretary, and a loud, booming voice coming from the principal's office.

"I don' need no babysitter, Mary."

"Miss Mateo, please, it's Principal Visage, I don't even know who Mary is, and it's not a babysitter, it's just someone to show you around. Ah, Miss Hytes. Come in. Miss Mateo, this is Miss Hytes. She's going to be showing you around today."

"I don' have to call her 'Miss Hytes' or nothin' do I?"

"No," Brooke said, before the principal could answer, "My name is Brooke."

Vanessa nodded in response.
"Alright girls, you may go."

The girls walked out of the office and to the hallway.
"Can I see your schedule?" Brooke asked, and Vanessa handed it over, "Vanessa huh?"

"Vanjie. Call me Vanjie." Her voice was gruff.

It's kind of charming. Brooke thought to herself.

"Alright, erm, Vanjie. Looks like we have similar classes."

The day went quickly. Vanjie really liked Brooke, and the feeling of having a friend made this transition to literally the middle of nowhere easier.

Brooke Lynn offered to walk home with Vanjie. She learned that Vanjie had just moved into the house a couple driveways down.

"So, what's there to do in this place?" Vanjie asked when they were halfway home.

"Uhm, I live a pretty boring life. I sometimes like to go hang out in the Walmart parking lot on Friday nights after football games with Nina, you met her today." Vanjie nods, "that's where most of our classmates will be. Or I go for a drive on the back roads."
"That....sounds...incredibly boring. What the hell, Mary?"

"My name is Brooke Lynn.." Brooke stated, confused, and Vanjie sighed.

Vanjie rolled her eyes. "So, what do you say you show me what a Friday night for Miss Brooke Lynn is like?" she purred.

"Alright." Brooke smiled.

Friday came around quickly. Brooke and Vanessa had spent every afternoon together after school. Usually, Brooke and Vanjie walked to school and back. They only lived about five minutes from the school. On Friday, though, Vanessa drove them. After school they had plans to get dinner at the Mama Caine's Diner and then go for a drive.

"What can I get for you ladies?" said Trixie, the waitress that Brooke usually had on Fridays.

"You know what I want." Brooke said, not even opening the menu.

"What do you get?" Vanjie asked her.

"A burger and fries. Simple."

"Alright, I'll have dat too."

The girls talked while they waited. Brooke learned that Vanessa's favorite color was red. She learned that she had two best friends back home and she missed them terribly. None of that compared to the way Brooke's heart jumped when Vanessa said that she liked girls. Brooke Lynn had never been attracted to guys. Brooke Lynn was, however, attracted to Vanessa.

The girls got their food. Vanessa took one bite and was yelling, she was always yelling, about how good it was. Brooke just laughed.

Brooke didn't know this, but Vanessa was attracted to her as well. Vanessa thought Brooke was very charming, definitely different than the girls where she was from.

They ate, and paid, and then got into Vanessa's car.

"Where to, hoe?" Vanjie said with a smirk.

"Take a left up here." Brooke smiled, "have you ever gotten butterflies from hills?"

Vanjie looked at Brooke like she had three heads.

"What the hell are you talkin' bout?"

Brooke laughed, "just take a left up here, I'll tell you where to go."

Vanessa followed Brooke's instructions until they were on a secluded country road.

"Alright, there's a hill up there, speed up, and then right before you get over the hill, lay off the gas." Brooke explains.

Vanessa does what she's told, and nothing happens.

"Damnit." Brooke says, "okay, let's try it again. There's another hill up there."

Vanessa repeated the steps, and this time, she thought she felt what Brooke described as "butterflies" but couldn't be sure. Brooke didn't react, she just said "again."

They did it a few more times, until they were really in the middle of nowhere, and it was starting to get dark. On the last attempt, Vanessa finally felt it. The 'butterflies'. Brooke did too. Vanessa looked at Brooke with a wide smile.

"Hell, that was so fun!" Vanessa yelled.

"Pull over here!" Brooke said, and Vanessa complied, parking on the side of the road near an empty grassy field.

They got out and Brooke led Vanessa into the field.

"Let's look at the stars." Brooke said, holding her hand out.

Vanessa took it.

Where's this confidence coming from? Brooke asked herself, Vanessa's smile, that's where.

The girls laid in the grass, side by side, telling each other more random things about themselves. Brooke realizes that she hasn't told Vanessa that she's gay.

"I like girls." She blurted out, "I like girls too."

She didn't turn her head, but she could feel Vanessa smiling. Next thing she knew, Vanessa's face was coming into view, inches from hers.

"Is it alright if I kiss you?" Vanessa asked, innocently.

Instead of answering, Brooke Lynn leaned up and pressed her lips to Vanessa's.

This is the beginning of a beautiful...something. 

A/N: I needed to write this. I had the idea as I was driving home today. I come from a small town and the things that I mentioned are exactly the only things to do here on the weekends. Hope you enjoyed. Feel free to send me ideas for oneshots and such! I'd appreciate it!

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