Chapter 31

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I had to get out. We'd been taken in with such kindness and care. The hidden village, called Ominira by those who reside there was larger than I'd expected. I thought we'd be brought to small huts hidden the trees and while it was minimalist and lacked the luxury of the city, it was advanced. Ro hadn't told me much about the place. He actually never described it at all, but after we arrived it was clear this was a place he spent time. Camille was immediately escorted to the treatment center and Rae had tagged along with her while Mirya had shown Analiese and I to Ro's home here. His home. Yet it had never been something he shared with me. He spoke of Sieraul often enough, describing the people there and the buildings and the things he did growing up. But he had a home here that he had never mentioned. He was obviously close to people here that he had never spoken of. And his home really was a home, not just a place he slept while he stayed here. It wasn't filled with momentos, but he had a wardrobe full of clothes and I was sure if I looked hard enough he would have weapons hidden around somewhere. There was a book on the end table in one of two bedrooms in the small residence. It face down, left open like he hadn't expected to be gone for so long. Like he planned to pick it up again the next night.But I didn't know how long it'd been since he was last here. He'd been the one to bring Aerias here. I thought he had at least, though he told me he was taking him to Sierual. So often we would go days without seeing one another. I couldn't help but wonder if he was here. If maybe the stories he told me about and the trips he'd had to take to Sieraul were actually trips here that for one reason or other he kept hidden.The bed wasn't as large as the one in Aurael where he stayed, but it would fit us both. It just didn't seem right to be here without him. Especially because it was quite obvious to me that no one here believed any of those men were alive. They had to be. All of them. I couldn't be responsible for sending those men to their deaths. I could have kept what Ro said to myself. I knew they would go if I told them. And now they could be dead. And I couldn't stay here. "Have you slept at all?" Analiese asked and I turned to see her standing in the doorway of the guest bedroom. Her arms were crossed over her chest and her eyes were puffy from just waking up. "Yes."It was the truth. After they'd shown us here, we'd eaten and sat together quietly for a while before we each retired to separate rooms to shower and sleep. I'd showered until the water ran cold, washing the last several weeks off of me. The scent of his soap covered me and I'd crawled into his bed content to smell like Ro. When I closed my eyes it was easy to pretend like he was next to me and pretending that, I was able to drift off for several hours. "I just woke up early," I explained. "To plot?" she asked, skeptically. "I know what they said yesterday—"We'd met a handful of Morri and human with ties to the resistance here. They'd questioned us briefly before allowing us to settle in, with promise of more interrogation today. One of them, who had the air of a leader, introduced herself as Gwena. When I asked when they would send people into the city, she was not subtle in her suggestion that anyone still in the city was likely dead or wished they were. "I don't think they're captive. If they were in custody or confirmed dead, Juleen would wouldn't keep it quiet." I just needed to convince them to give me transport. I knew that city better than any of them. I'd spent my entire life there and there wasn't a road or hiding spot I didn't know.Healed and hydrated, I was prepared. Mentally, at least. I was lacking transport, food and water, and medical supplies, but if I could convince them to give me that, I could go alone. I realized the moment I woke up that I would have to do it by myself if I couldn't convince them to send people. I couldn't very well walk there though. I hadn't exactly proven my worth or ability on the way out of the city, but I'd been in a poor state emotionally and physically. Maybe I still was. After the nightmare that had ripped me from my sleep before any light peaked over the horizon this morning, it was hard to argue that I was over everything Juleen had done to me. "Did you try to reach him?"I hesitated. "I guess he didn't answer?"I shook my head. I'd called after waking up, hoping that maybe I could talk to him. I didn't know how to get the images out of my head of the things Juleen had done and the things he made me see. They haunted me every time I closed my eyes. He would know what say. Hearing his voice would make me feel safe. So I used the device and tried more than once to reach him to no avail. "We should get dressed. Mirya promised she'd bring Aerias over."Aerias held onto my hand tightly, pulling me along behind him as we walked through the village. It had not been long since I'd seen him in Aurael, but already his face was filling out and the timid little boy was replaced by this eager child whose eyes shone bright with the smile on his face. "I get to go to lessons now," he said, glancing back at me as he spoke. "You do?" I asked and my smile mirrored his. "What are you learning?""Lots of stuff," he answered. "Did you know there used to be a lot more people like me and you?" Before I could answer, Aerias shouted, "Felix!" and began to wave down another boy with his free hand. Changing course to the other child, Aerias dragged me toward a boy who looked about the same age as Aerias. "This is Lena," he shouted when we got closer to his friend. "She's the one like me." Then he looked back at me and grinned before saying, "This is Felix, one of my friends here.""Hi, Felix. It's so nice to meet you," I said, crouching down to look him in the eye. His eyes went a little wide, he looked surprised, which was odd but I didn't think much of it.Felix wasn't the most talkative with me, but I wasn't the warmest most maternal person either, so I didn't take offense when, after a polite greeting he asked Aerias if he wanted to go play. "Will you come, too?" Aerias turned to me, his large hopeful eyes shone like flames in the sunlight and were impossible to say no too. "Of course," I said. "Lead the way."Felix ran ahead, but Aerias remained by my side, his hand still firmly attached to mine in a way that was probably offering more comfort and support to me than him. "You like it here?" I said. The answer may have been obvious, but I needed to hear it. "Mhmm." His head bobbed up and down. "Everyone has been really kind to me." He paused and gestured for me to lean closer. I crouched down next to him. "I think it's because that man who brought me, Ro. Who is he?" "He's important to these people," I said because the truth was, I didn't know. Was he a leader in this place, or did they just have common goals, the way he'd implied when speaking of the people in the outlands. "He told me I would see you soon, but I didn't know." Aerias chewed on his bottom lip nervously. "One night I couldn't sleep and I heard Ms. Bedri—she's the one who I am staying with right now, talking to her friend about Aurael. They said the Zashar was killing all the humans."Aerias threw his arms around my shoulders and burried his face against my neck. "I am not a human remember? You and me are the same.""I'm glad your friend was right.""Me too," I whispered, rubbing his back. "Now," I said pulling back from him. With my thumbs, I wiped the tears from his cheeks and reminded of how damaged this child must be, I smiled for him. "You have got to show me how you do that," I said pointing toward where the other kids were already playing. Though they were laughing and having a blast, I saw the play area for what it was, a training arena. The entire thing looked like an obstacle course large enough for an adult, but a handful of children played on the equipment like it was meant for them. Aerias, it turned out, was especially good at the climbing tower, a large wall with grips that the kids climbed to ring a bell at the top. Twice I saw Aerias race other kids to the top. Each time, he rang the bell first and then sat atop the wall like he enjoyed the view before grabbing onto the rope that allowed him to repel down the other side. "He will make an excellent warrior when his time comes."I turned to see Gwena still approaching, something about her expression made me uneasy despite the smile on her face. Maybe it was just her that made me feel uneasy. None of the Morri I'd seen here styled their way in the way I'd grown accustomed to in the city. Instead bright colors were braided into simple and practical styled to keep the hair out of their faces. Gwena's pale purple hair was elegantly styled in the same lavish way all the Morri in Aurael were so fond of. A chuckle nearly fell from my lips as I thought of what Ro would say if he knew I was assuming someone was evil based on her hair style. He styled his hair and he wasn't evil. Except, now I wondered if the Ro I'd known whose hair was perfectly sleek was who he really was or if he was more like the people here. It wasn't just her hair though. Aerias was a boy. He can't have even been ten years old and he'd spent his entire life until very recently in a dark cell covered in his own filth. It didn't sit right with me that this woman was suggesting he train for war. "I'm grateful he has the chance to be a child now," I said."Of course," she said. "Eliro indicated that Aerias has not had an easy path." She paused briefly, and then, said, "Neither have you."The silence seemed to stretch between us."Is one of them yours?" I asked, trying to be polite but also figure out what she wants. "No," she chuckled quietly, "My children's children have all grown. No, I am here to speak with you."I waited for her to ask whatever it was she came to me for, but Gwena seemed to be in no hurry. If she wouldn't speak, I guess I would. It had been wonderful to spend time with Aerias outdoors in the sunlight, but I knew what I needed and I had to leave here. "I will gladly share with you all that I know, but I would like transportation to the city.""I cannot risk sending more of our people into Aurael.""I am not asking for any of your people. I know the city well. My father was a part of the resistance within Aurael and I know where they used to meet.""Lena—""Last time I spoke with Ro, they were trying to find a safe route out, but they were in a safe house of some sort.""Lena—" Gwena repeated my name gently, but I didn't let her stop me. "I know the city, Gwena. I know it far better than any of them do. I can get to them and I can get out, I just need a few things.""I am sorry, dear Lena, the answer is no. You have been placed in our protection and I cannot allow you to run such a fools errand.""They need our help."Her lips turned to a sad smile and she reached out a hand to rest on my shoulder, squeezing once. "I understand you are quite fond of Eliro. You cannot let love blind you to reality. Juleen has leveled the city. Only the Paestra stands. The footage is being broadcast now."

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