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"so some random number messaged you yesterday in the afternoon ?" ochako bobbed her head to the side, intrigued about the whole situation

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"so some random number messaged you yesterday in the afternoon ?" ochako bobbed her head to the side, intrigued about the whole situation. "yeah, i asked them who they were, but I didn't receive a name." ochako closed her eyes shut placing her hand on her chin thinking.

i turned to izuku who was beside her, he seemed nervous for some reason, but that didn't stop him from eating his lunch. "what do you think Izuku ?" his head shot up as his name rolled off my tongue. "w-well, that seems interesting. did they at least give you a hint as to who they were ?"

my eyes lit up a little, i forgot to mention that the anonymous number did indeed give me a hint as to who they were. the problem was, i wasn't exactly comfortable telling them the hint, because then they would know I have a youTube channel and the word may spread.

"haha! n-nope! not at all! not that i recall!" i sweat dropped as ochako eyed me suspiciously. "then you wouldn't mind if we check your phone, right?" she extended her hand out waiting for me to place my phone in her hand. "i- well"

"its fine! if you don't want to let us know well just stay out of your business." she gave me a small smile afterwards. "thanks for understanding." chuckling light heartedly, i stood up to throw away any left over food i had. "alright deku, when's her birthday?"

midoriya turned to look at ochako with a confused expression, "why do you need to know her- w-wHAT!-" ochako signaled for him to be quiet, "calm down, im just going to look through her recent conversations, it's nothing too bad! we can help her find out who this person is!" she cheered gleefully.

"my question is how did you manage to grab her phone without her noticing!?" he whispered to the brunette. ochako just shook his shoulder a little, noticing that you were approaching the table. "hey guys, um..is my phone here?"

you looked under the table and around the seats to see if you could spot your phone. "oh, now that i recall, i remember seeing it in mr.aizawa's room!" ochako exclaimed with a smile. "ah alright! i'll be right back."

you left the two at the table to themselves while you went to go retrieve your phone in a room where it wouldn't be found."alright midoriya, what's her birthday?" midoriya looks taken aback, shook to be exact. "what makes you think i know?" he asked the brunette female. "oh come on, you know everything about all our classmates, now spit it out."

"yeah, but even so, isn't her birthday a bit too much of an obvious passcode?" midoriya hinted to ochako. she stopped to think for a minute, coming to the conclusion that he was right. "let me see the phone, i might know what the passcode is." ochako handed the phone to midoriya, doubting he'd be able to unlock it.

he typed out a series of numbers, the same ones over and over again. to ochako's surprise, the phone unlocked. "woah! are you a wizard?" midoriya chuckled at the statement, shaking his head no. "her passcode was pretty simple, it was 696969."

"woah, ok" he passed the phone to ochako, clicking on the contacts. midoriya glanced over her shoulder as she scrolled through your contacts, spotting one that caught her eye, under the contact name of, "husband😫👊💞" midoriya looked at the at the name intrigued yet also scared. 'does she have a boyfriend or something?' He thought to himself fidgeting.

what he saw sort of surprised him, it was the conversation he had with you last afternoon. "this number looks familiar" ochako thought for a second as it finally hit her, "wAIT ISN'T THIS YOUR-"

midoriya immediately covered her mouth with both his hands, his shaking hands. "ochako please don't tell her about this! you're the only one that knows about this other then me!" he pleaded to the brunette beside him.

ochako nodded her head in response as midoriya placed his hands back down. "coward." ochako blurted out. "oOPS MY BAD I MEANT TO SAY THAT IN MY HEAD!" she coughed out to the greenette. "be quite, y/n's back!" he whispered to ochako. she swiftly placed the phone on the seat you were sitting on.

"guys the phone wasn't in the classroom, i think i lost-" you spotted your phone placed on the seat where you ate your lunch, "i swear im going blind." you murmed to yourself.


A/N: bruh this chapter took 19492 years to write 🗿 n e ways, I hope you guys enjoyed it because it took me fricking forever 🤧👊

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