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"should i drop out

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"should i drop out. . ." i sit on my bed with my blanket drapping over my head, debating weither or not an education is really worth having to wake up so early in the morning.

"nah, i need to socialize some way or another, it's not like i want to go insane." i took the blanket off my head and looked into the mirror on my wall, revealing what seemed to be a bird nest. "should i shave all my hair off-"


the teacher was calling role, and i was sitting behind the same asshole i always sit behind, sadly. i couldn't even see the board most of the time because his big head always got in the way.

i was so zoned out i didn't realize when sir big head telted back in his seat a little, his hair hovering over my desk.

"can you move dude?" i eyed him for a while, waiting for him to move.

"no, fuck off." he retorted, only leaning back more.

"why are you such a pain in the ass" i sighed out, emphasizing the word ass.

he turned around, starting up his quirk, but before he could do anything i kicked the bottom of his chair, forcing him to fall since he was leaning on it.

"JUST WATCH, YOU DAMN-" he stood up and started up his quirk again, mr.aizawa unamused, just watching this whole fiasco unfold.

"AH SHIT-" i shut my eyes and wrapped my arms around my head as shelter, really bad shelter at that.

waiting for the punch, but nothing happening.

i open one of my eyes slowly and then open the other to make sure i wasn't being deceived.

midoriya had grabbed bakugou's wrist, and they were just kinda standing there.

broccoli over here was shaking, but bakugou just looked even more pissed off.

the tension in the air was really thick, and everyone had their eyes on us, so i did what i do best, i said something stupid.

"now kiss-" i whispered loud enough for both of them to hear me.

"WHAT?!" they both exclaimed

and then mr.aizawa finally thought it was time to interfere and sent all three of us to the office. how unfair, im calling my lawyer.


bakugou was sitting three seats away from me, and four seats away from midoriya, as midoriya was sitting right next to me.

i turn to midoriya, "thanks for saving my ass back there." the perfect way to rephrase "i appreciate you for stopping my soon to be death." if you ask me.

im guessing i startled him with that, since his eyes seemed to slighty enlarge. "o-oh, it was no problem, really." he chuckled out.

"does kiwi head have a tragic past or something?"

"no, not that i know of." midoriya responded

"oh, so he just acts like a gremlin for nothing? must suck to be his mom." i leaned forward in my seat.

as we waited for the principal to attend us, me and midoriya started up a conversation, and i ended up finding out a few things about him.

bakugou was still giving us the silent treatment, like the little dramatic boy he is.

. . .maybe i should shave my hair off, and drop out while im at it.

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