Chapter: Cake

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Colby's POV

5 hours. In 5 hours Sam had his appointment. The closer it got, the more this bad feeling grew inside of me. I wish I knew why I felt this way. Could it be about Sam? The babies? Or something else?

This feeling was going to kill me if I didn't distract myself. What is something I could do that would last 5 hours? Cleaning? To lazy. Laundry? Nah to boring. Baking? I've always wanted to try baking. I went on YouTube and looked up how to make a vanilla cake since that was Sam's favorite type of cake.

I walked into our massive kitchen. I still didn't know where everything was so I opened all the cabinets to try to find a bowl, the mixer, spatula, and the ingredients. I played the video and followed along with it. I think I added to much backing powder but who cares. I preheated the oven and finished mixing the ingredients together. Once the batter was in the pans, I popped them in the oven. As the cake baked, I lie on the couch.

"Colby wakes up," Sam said. I felt him shake me a little. I opened my eyes and saw his beautiful blue eyes in front of me. "We have to go to the appointment" Shit. I must have overslept. The cake. I rushed to the oven. It was still baking and probably wouldn't be done for another fifteen minutes. I left a note for Devyn that said if she could take the cake out once it was done.

I quickly changed into a grey shirt, black ripped jeans, and my Van's. Sam was wearing a baby blue shirt, with white jeans, and white Van's. We got inside my car, then I started driving.

As I drove the feeling inside of me got worse. My gut was telling me something bad was going to happen. Then all of a sudden Sam started crying in pain. I quickly looked towards him and saw blood coming from his torso. I didn't know what to do since I was on the road. It's not like I could just pull over in the middle of the highway during rush hour. Sam kept crying in pain and told me to get to the hospital quickly.

I sped up and got honked at by several people. I passed 3 lights and 2 stop signs. I was for sure going to get a ticket but I didn't care, Sam comes first.

Once I got to the hospital I carried Sam in and told them what happened. They took him to the emergency room and I followed. A doctor came over and checked him. She said that Sam had to go into surgery. They wouldn't tell me why they just said I had to wait in the waiting room.

As I waited, good and bad scenarios kept running through my mind. What if Sam was having the babies. He couldn't be having the babies. He's only 7 months pregnant. What if Sam was dying. Could one of the babies be dying? I wish I knew what they were doing, what was happening, and why they took Sam to surgery.

It's been two hours since they took Sam and no one has updated me. I'm starting to become even more worried. As if God read my mind a nurse came towards me. She wore a sad expression on her face.

"Mr. Golbrock?" She said.

"Yes, that's me," I said

"We took your husband to surgery because he was bleeding and was possibly having a miscarriage. When we were doing surgery, we did an ultrasound but we didn't find any babies. Also, during everything, Sam bled out and died. We tried everything we could." As soon as she said that tears started streaming down my face.

My heart dropped and broke into a million pieces. My husband and 3 babies were dead. Gone just like that. I have no one. The nurse brought me to the room, and there Sam was laying on the bed. He looked so cute. I wish I could talk to him or at least hear his voice one last time. All I could hear was the constant beeping of the machines. They kept getting louder and louder. At one point I could hear Sam's beautiful voice calling my name.

"Colby. Colby. Did you forget about the cakes?" What cakes 

My eyes shot open and I saw Sam taking the cake out of the oven. It was a dream. Sam wasn't dead and neither were the babies. I looked at the clock, we had 1 hour until the appointment.

"Sorry, I must've fallen asleep. We should probably get ready for the appointment."

I went to our room and picked out my clothes. When I looked at the outfit I realized it was the exact same outfit I had picked in my dream. There was no way I was going to wear that. Instead, I wore a black Gucci shirt with black ripped Jeans and black Van's. Sam came down wearing the same thing he wore in my dream. I couldn't tell him to change, because then I would have to tell him about my nightmare. Before we left, I texted Devyn and asked her if she could decorate the cake.

On the way to the hospital, all I could think about was my nightmare. What if it was going to become real. Sam could start bleeding any second. We have to get to the hospital before it happens. I started speeding up a little, but not as fast as I was in my dream. So far Sam wasn't bleeding or crying out in pain.

I spoke too soon. A few minutes later Sam started saying that his stomach was hurting a lot. I couldn't let him or the babies die. I need to get to that hospital.

Time skip to when they arrive at the hospital.

I picked Sam up and carried him inside. I told a nurse what was happening. They took Sam to the emergency room. Another doctor showed up a few minutes later.

"What's happening?" I asked confused.

"Your husband is going into labor. We have to take him for a c-section." I can't believe it, Sam is about to have our children.

"Now. He's having the babies now." I asked still shocked. Sam was only seven months pregnant.

"Yes. He felt pain because he was having contractions. And since they're triplets they are going to be born pre-mature These babies are coming out right now."

I looked over at Sam and saw how happy he looked. I held his hand before they took him to the OR. We were about to be parents. My nightmare didn't come true. Instead of everyone dying they were going to live. I cant wait to see our little children.

Sorry I've been awful at posting lately.❤

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