Omega (Krii7y)

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Smitty had never felt particularly uncomfortable in calls with his friends, only did he feel slightly down was when alphas, betas and omegas were mentioned. Constantly, his friends pushed him to say what he was. This time, it was when chilling in call with some of the misfits.

"Smitty?" Mason asked, drawing out his name.

"Yeah?" He replied, fiddling with a few things on his desk.

"Are you a beta or an alpha?" Smitty groaned at his question.

"Stop fucking asking because I'm not gonna tell you." He said grumpily.

"Hey it's okay if you're a beta, not everyone can be alphas." Cam said, a smug tone in his voice.

"Shut the fuck up." Toby and Mason both replied to him quickly, causing a chuckle to go through the call.

Smitty was neither. He was actually an omega. A male omega was more on the rare side, which is why he assumed he never gets asked if he's an omega- there's such a low number of them.

He would rather not announce to a group of alphas and betas that he's an omega. They often got preyed on as they were weaker and while Smitty trusted his mates, it still scared him.

"Hey Kryoz, do you know what Smit is?" Toby asked.

"Nah I wanna find out just like you guys. But we'll know soon enough when we meet up." John responded. He was right, Smitty had to tell them soon because they would know the minute any of them caught his scent.

The call moved on from that topic, swiftly changing to details of their meet up. It was Smitty's first time meeting any of the lads, and he was equally excited and nervous.

His thoughts quickly turned to worry on his way to the airport a few days later. He was masked in perfume to try and stop the scent of being an omega, which kind of worked. Without an alpha, he was left with no protection and other alphas would do a lot to get a male omega. He knows from countless times in the streets on his own, being grabbed by alphas walking by. He'd managed to escape their grip each time, but sometimes he thinks he won't be as lucky.

The plane ride was long to Australia, and he slept for most of it. When he woke up to the person next to him shaking him gently, he thanked her quietly and yawned. He tiredly grabbed his bag, making his way down the isle with sleep in his eyes.

He made it into the airport, sending a text to their groupchat asking where to go. He curled in on himself when he notices a few alphas eyeing him up. He prayed one of his friends was here now.

Luckily enough, Fitz and Toby were here, waiting for him and John. They replied quickly, telling him where to go. Soon enough he could see Cam's tall figure above everyone else and hurriedly made his way over.

"Smitty!" Toby said with a big smile. He discarded his bag next to the boys and hugged Toby, who immediately realised what he was. "You're... An omega?" He said, a strike of confusion hinting his voice.

Smitty looked to his feet, shuffling under their gaze.

"You travelled here alone? What about all the alphas?" Fitz said with a worried tone. "There's mean alphas out there, ya know."

"Yeah, I know. I just couldn't miss coming to see you guys." Smitty responded, glad they didn't judge him for being an omega.

"You should be fine now, with me here." Smitty nodded a bit, yawning. He sat on his suitcase, leaning his head on Toby's side.

"Time does John get here?" Smitty asked.

"Soon, I think. His flight was like an hour after yours." He nodded tiredly at Toby's response, drifting off to sleep in an awkward position.

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