tell me lies (Krii7y)

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(college dorm room type au ting???)

"Stop. You can't just come in here and kiss my forehead like nothing happened." Smitty's eyes snapped open once he felt John leaning down towards his bed. He sat up, flicking his lamp on. "Stop fucking acting like you care." He hissed.

"Smit, I wasnt-" John backed up, knees hitting his own bed in their dorm room. Smitty scowled at him.

"Don't lie. You sleaze around with your girl and expect me to let you come here and what, John? Let you fuck me? Sleep in my bed? After you've been with her. As a last resort." Smitty's voice didn't raise. But each word came out more violent and sharp and John felt tears prick at his eyes.

"That's not what I'm doing. I swear." John's voice quivered.

"Then what are you doing?" Smitty sighed, throwing his covers off his legs and swinging them over the side of the bed. "Because I'm getting tired of waiting to be picked." He felt his vision go blurry due to a tear welling up.

"Don't play the victim, Smitty. Stop making me feel guilty! I have a girlfriend. I'm not... I'm not interested in you." John lied.

"Tell me more lies." Smitty muttered, a sour look crossing his face. "You've got a girlfriend so stop trying to get in my pants." He stood up, grabbing a jumper off his floor and slipping it over his head.

"Where are you going?" The older boy asked, tears now flowing silently down his cheeks.

"None of your fucking business." Smitty slammed the door. He didn't care that it was the middle of the night and people were sleeping.

He trudged down the hallway, the lights flickering as he walked past until he reached the doors. The cold air filled his lungs once he pushed them open, and he stood outside in the freezing cold. He found himself leaning both elbows against the metal railing and pressing his forehead into the palms of his hands. He sighed loudly, tears beginning to form in his eyes. He could put up a cold exterior to John, but outside, all alone with just his thoughts, he was himself. A mess.

Smitty pulled out his phone, texting a friend to see if they were up. He got a reply pretty quick, and Smitty pulled away from the railing, wiping away his tears.

The next morning, Smitty woke up to his alarm. He turned it off quickly, before sitting up and sliding out of the warm bed. He laid the covers back down quickly, not wanting the other boy to get cold.

Smitty sighed, picking up his clothes from the floor and sliding them back on. He ran his fingers through his hair, trying to neaten himself. It was early, five in the morning kinda early. His classes started at 7, but he wanted to avoid as many people when he walked back to his dorm. He knew he'd look like shit in the morning, and he mentally thanked the past version of himself for setting that alarm. He couldn't be bothered to tie his shoelaces, it wasn't a long walk back anyways, and instead opted to tuck them in.

He walked around the bed, stopping at the other side. He shook the boy gently, who in response opened his eyes lazily and smiled a bit at Smitty.

"Hey, thanks for last night." Smitty smiled at him.

"No problem, man. John will come around eventually." The older boy reassured him.

"We can only hope." Smitty rolled his eyes. "I gotta go now, I'll see you in class?"

"Yeah." He paused, a smirk rolled on his lips. "Left some marks, by the way."

"You dick." Smitty joked, standing up.

"See ya!" He rolled over in bed, smushing his face into his pillow.

"Bye Fitz!" Smitty said, closing the door behind him.

The walk back was quick, and Smitty found himself slowing down as he got closer to the his dorm. But he couldn't stop the inevitable, only slow it, and eventually he was outside of his door, sliding his key card in.

It was bright in their room, sunlight flooding in, but John was still asleep. Smitty didn't blame him, it was only 5:07 in the morning. He stirred once the door clicked, and then peeked one eye open once he heard footsteps next to his bed.

"Where did you go?" He asked quietly, blinking a bit. Smitty scowled at him.

"Not that it's any of you business, but I stayed at Fitz's." Smitty replied. He pulled off his jumper, fully aware that John was watching him, and slung it in his washing basket. John's breathing hitched a bit. It happened everytime he saw Smitty like that. Which was a lot, because they shared a room and Smitty didn't really give a shit about John seeing him. All the more to confuse his sexuality.

Smitty crawled under his covers, yawning a bit. There was no point sleeping now, but he could still sit in bed for a while.

"Can we talk?" John asked, laying on his back with his hands folded over the covers.


"You confuse me. Like when you want me to 'pick you' but then go fuck someone else. When you make me cry and I know your crying too, yet you go sleep with another boy. I don't... I don't get it." Smitty sat up and looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Seriously? You do realise you do the exact same thing to me, with your girlfriend." He paused. "Anyways it shouldn't matter who I fuck because you're 'straight'." He air quoted.

"I don't think I am anymore." John said, voice cracking a bit. "You came into my life and fuck, Smitty, changed everything. Suddenly I wasn't just into seeing girls shirtless, it was cute boys too. You, specifically. And then... I try figure it out and you push me away."

"I'm pushing you away for your own good. Great, you figured out your not 100% straight and wanna experiment. Except, you still have a girlfriend. I'm not gonna be your side fuck and I'm not a cute boy you can just experiment with and then drop." He replied, coldly. It was true, anytime John made advances, like forehead kisses or hugs, he pushed him away. His heart always flipped whenever he did something like that, yet he denied him for John's sake, John's girlfriends sake and his own hearts sake.

"I like you. Like really like you. And you won't be an experiment or a side fuck. I promise, we could go on dates, and hold hands." John admitted.

"I like you too." Smitty smiled a bit. "But those dates are gonna have to wait. Break up with her, first. I don't want you to cheat and she doesn't deserve this." John nodded at his words, a small smile spreading on his face. He picked up his phone, going to text her. "Seriously? Don't be an asshole. Go see her. Doing it over text makes you a prick."

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