Paris , Paris!

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   After 8 hours we landed at one of the airports in Paris. When I got off the plane, I looked around with admiration. I couldn't even think that the real beauty is waiting for me ahead. We got a job in one of the hotels here. From the Windows of our room opened a wonderful view of the Eiffel tower. I was looking forward to tomorrow. After all, we were supposed to go on a tour through Paris, so I will soon see my beloved Cathedral is alive!!

– Finally I see Notre Dame !!! –  I thought,lying in bed and falling asleep.

In the morning we began to gather for a tour.

I put on my favorite red dress with a pink flower on the belt. My head was decorated with a rim in the form of flowers. And the arm was wearing a bracelet of white beads. In General, I looked like a Princess.

It's time for the tour. The tour suggestion of the tour passed through   the Eiffel tower, the Plazza de Ville square and of course Notre Dame.

From the height of the Eiffel tower opened a beautiful view of Paris. From here you could even see the island of Cité.

Arriving at the Plaza De Ville, I felt « not at ease. »And all because of what I knew about the dark and bloody past of this place. Earlier the square was called place de Greve. In the middle ages cruel executions were carried out here. It was in this square that poor Esmeralda was hanged. These thoughts made me even more uncomfortable. God,I was so happy when we left here.

And finally we came to the same Cathedral. I was indescribably glad to finally get here.

In the architecture of the Cathedral I was afraid only gargoyles. It feels like one of them is going to fly down and pounce on me.

Inside the Cathedral was very beautiful.

Feasting my eyes on the statues and the pillars, I didn't notice that behind the group. I decided to go looking for everyone, but in the end I got lost.

In despair I sat down near one of the walls and began to think what to do next. Suddenly, I have observed on the wall strange the writing. I got up, looked closely and finally read – ANARKH! (Translated from the Greek «fate») .....

– God!  I said to myself. really?! -  Before I could touch it, some glare blinded me.

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