My guests are from the past or happy end.

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    Suddenly, everything around us sowed, sparkled, blinked and after a couple of seconds we were at the very wall where two days ago and began my journey.

– You, guys, okay?

– All right!

– Look,they're my parents!!! They must have been Looking for me! Mom!!!Daddy!! I'm here!!!! –  I shouted happily and ran to my parents.

– Stacia , daughter ,where have you been and who is with you?! – asked me parents and hugging

– I am.....I'm lost. And they helped me get out and find you.These are my friends now.

– Wonderful! What are their names?

I was confused at first but then said :

– Esma and Quasi.  

– Clearly

– Mom, dad, and it is possible they will fly home with us, to Russia?

– Do they mind?!

I looked at my friends pleadingly.

– Of course we don't mind! – They said.

– Hooray!!!! Come on, I'll show you our room .Anyway, the tour's over.

The five of us went to the hotel.

A week later, we flew back to Russia.

There Quasi made a plastic surgery which made him even more beautiful than Phoebe.

Soon after, he had a girlfriend and then a wife.

ESMA,also soon married.

Both couples had children.

My parents and I often visited them and remembered our adventures with the guys,which we will not be able to forget for a long time!!

I was glad it ended well.

ESMA saved from execution,Quasi finally happy.What could be better?

I hope that such adventures will not happen again

.I've already traveled! Of course we don't mind!  They said.

- Hooray!!!!Come on,I'll show you our room.Anyway, the tour's over.

The five of us went to the hotel.

A week later, we flew back to Russia.

There Cwase made a plastic surgery which made him even more beautiful than  Phoebus.

Soon after, he had a girlfriend and then a wife.

Esma, also soon married.

Both couples had children.

My parents and I often visited them and remembered our adventures with the guys, we will not be able to forget for a long time!!

I was glad it ended well.

Esma saved from execution, Quasi finally happy. What could be better?

I hope that such adventures will not happen again.

I've already traveled!

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