Chapter 7

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Beauty P.O.V.

" Girlllll I been gaining weight foreal." I said.

" You must be pregnant." She said.

" Girl no the doctor said I'm not." I said.

" Hmm when the last time you had your period?" She asked me.

" Like a month ago-" I said and then paused.

"I'm late."I said.

" Your pregnant nigga and I'm gonna be the God motherrrr , yessss bitch !" She said standing up.

" Just to make sure come on let's go to the doctors." I said standing up. She ran out the front door , I laughed and went out the front door and made sure her door was lock.

" Come on." She yelled as I unlocked the doors to my car. She hopped in and so did I.

Later at the doctors...

" I'm nervous." I said to Nelle.

" Girl I'm nervous for you." She said as we wait on the results.

" Well we have good news." The doctor said coming in with a smile on her face.

" Tell me." I said not being patient anymore.

" Your pregnant." She said.

" Omgoshhhhh!" Nelle yelled.

" I never thought I would have see this day." I said in shock.

" Congratulations you are one month pregnant." The doctor said.

" Damn Beauty this is actually real." Nelle said. The doctor gave me guides and stuff like that and also my ultrasound.

" Thank you." I said as me and Nelle left and got into my car.

" No more working for you." Nelle said sticking out her tongue as I pulled off.

" Whateverrrr." I said.

" So when you gonna tell Trill?" She asked.

" Um I guess tonight when he get off work." I said.

" You gonna tell Diamond?"She asked.

" Duh dummy." I said.

" Whatever nigga I hope it's a girl." She said.

" Nah I want a boy and his name gonna be Ice." I said and she started laughing.

" You be running out with these names." She said.

" Girl I was just playing , but something unique." I said.

" Welp as long as I'm the god mama." She said.

" Hm I'll think about it." I said.

" You know what I never did ?"She asked me.

" What ?"I asked her.

" Came to your house." She said.

" You wanna go now ?" I asked her.

" Duhhhh , what time Diamond get out of school?"She asked.

" 3." I said.

" Awe we got a couple more hours, but yeah let's go back to your house." She said.

Trill P.O.V.

" You going home tonight nigga ?"Storm asked as I shot my gun at this target in my office.

" Fuck you, you damn right I'm going home." I said and he started laughing.

" I coming with you bruh." He said.

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