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I place the novel down on the side table, as I go to the kitchen, hearing the water on the stove begin to boil. I place a handful of pastas into the pot, stirring slightly. As my dinner begins to finish cooking, I walk to the refrigerator, pouring some pasta sauce in another pot. As I went to set it on the heated stove, a loud sound of ruckus came from the building's corridor.

It caused me to jump, spilling the sauce everywhere and burning my hand on the stove. I never have neighbors up here. Ever.

The second I was released from the mental institution, the Walden Mayor wanted me to stay at a Walden apartment. I could not bare to go near that town after what they put me through, so instead I stay at a nice apartment on the top floor, in Sydney.

It used to be difficult going to buy my own food and everything I needed to at least attempt a normal lifestyle. But now, someone brings me everything I need on Sunday, so I rarely need to leave the comfort of my home.

I soothed my hand by running it under some cool water and then I wiped up the spilt sauce. After pouring and setting more on the stove, I poured the steaming pot of pasta into a drainer, removing the water. As the racquet outside continued, I poured the warm sauce over the pasta, placing it on a simple white plate.

I sat down to eat, enjoying the soft, elegant comfort of my home. After a few minutes, I heard a firm knock on my door. Sam must be early to drop off the food.

I stood up, wiping my mouth with a napkin. I walked over to the door, opening it and greeting Sam with a huge smile. Only it wasn't Sam.

It was a boy with bright red hair and an eyebrow piercing. He had stunning green eyes and a beautiful shade of porcelain skin. I looked at him in awe. No one ever came to visit me. I was that strange girl on the top floor who never left her house or did anything, really.

As much as I didn't want to, the boy was just gaping at me, so I had to shut the door. Get away from society again.

"Wait! Don't shut the door!" He smiled brightly, putting his hand in between the wall and the door, so it couldn't shut. "I'm Michael.. What's your name?" I just smiled a little smile and put my head down nodding, hoping, praying that he would understand that I did not want to speak.

"Oh, I'm sorry! The manager said that you were shy.. I'm sorry it's just that it kind of slipped my mind, I guess.. Anyways, my friend and I are moving in next door to you. The manager also said that you've been up here by yourself for a couple of months and if us being here is a problem, he can put us somewhere else, just more expensive," this boy was so sweet. I couldn't help but stare at him in a small daze as his kind, welcoming words, left those plump, soft-looking lips.

I gave another tiny smile and nod, indicating that they living up here was fine. Maybe having neighbors would be nice.

"Thanks. And don't worry. My friend Ashton and I aren't really the type to be having big parties, so no need to worry about that. I'm actually only here because our other friends, Calum and Luke, think that we are stupid and will forget to pay the bill or something, so they bet us three months. If we can keep up with all the bills, they'll pay it for the rest of year and half of next year. But if we can't, then we owe them the apartment and my car. Yay," he said the last bit sarcastically. I giggled, how could one person be so effortlessly funny and amazing and adorable.

"But Ash and I were about to order some pizza, maybe watch a movie.. Probably a Nicholas Sparks one.. I don't know, I'm feeling sadish because today, because were gonna lose this bet, but do you wanna come eat some pizza and watch a stupid movie with us, that I'll cry about anyways."

I gave him a pleading look and opened my door further to reveal the steaming plate of food, still sitting on the table. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, uh, interrupt your meal." I shook my head and smiled gently.

"Okay, but I'm definitely taking a rain check on that pizza and Nicholas Sparks!" He started to leave as he gave him a reassuring look. "Wait! I'm going to need your number, so we can plan out this pizza party minute Ashton!" He handed me his phone.

I was reluctant. But the only thing stopping me was my disability. I am sick and tired of letting it control me. I type in "Marley" and then add my number.

"Thanks, babe... I'll see you around," he winked, walking into his apartment.

I hurried further into my apartment, slamming the door shut, sliding down to the floor.

I can't let the past get in my way. I can't. I'm so sick of letting it control me.

It would take a ton of work and lots determination. But I wanted to get to know Michael so badly I could cry and probably would later and it all sunk in that we could never be together. No one wants to be with a girl who was accused of murdering her brother. No one wants to present to his family, a girl who was in an insane asylum for nearly ten months.

No one wants a girl who is mute.


hey you guys! im seriously so excited for this story and for you guys to see all the craziness and crazy romance I have in mind:)))

I'm so sorry! I said it would be like two weeks, but then I decided that Like Book (my Luke fanfic-- check it out) needed some work so I was gonna first update this around American Thanksgiving (next Thursday) but since today is baby's birthday, I thought "when better to start baby's fanfic then baby's birthday!!"

So here we are:)

Also, I am in no way mocking or making fun of mute people. I feel so bad for them and their disability and I pray that they all can get better. This is a pure work of fiction based off of a nightmare I had(lol)

Also, don't freak out! You'll understand soon through a series of flashbacks to the reason why and how she became mute.

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Love you with all heart,

T x

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