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△ | seven days since decontamination | ▲

F930 is a model citizen, just like every other member of the Imperium.

She is never late for her daily higher education program. She is courteous to her peers and instructors, and her civility is always returned. She is never angry, never anxious, never discontent. She only knows serenity, compliance, and fulfillment.

As a citizen of the Imperium, F930 is living a life truly worth living.

And this life is fuelled by the Chip that was slid into her brain soon after Memory Reconstruction.

The Chip works efficiently and silently, the only indication of its existence being the small gold pyramid that glows just underneath the skin of her right temple. It balances F930's impulses and prevents her from having to endure even the mildest unpleasant emotion.

As F930 awakens every day into a life of abundance — ample clean water, nutrition and unencumbered good health — the Chip makes her feel grateful. Her past life is long forgotten, just as she was promised it would be, and at any given moment, she is only ever looking forward to her bright and meaningful future at the Imperium.

Now, as F930 walks down the path from her home unit to the botanical garden for scheduled relaxation, she passes by M929 along the way and feels a small spark of recognition.

He is one of her peers in the higher education program and her neighbor.

M929 wishes her a good evening and she returns the greeting with a pleasant smile before carrying on, both of them unfailingly polite. 

After all, F930 and M929 are model citizens of the Imperium.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this update, although it was a very short one

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Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this update, although it was a very short one. Thank you for reading! 

Just to clarify: F930 is Arya and M929 is Everett. What do you guys think about the Imperium now that the recruits' memories have been fully erased?


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