Part 19

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Om and Rudy reach home.Om sighs.

O:maan gaye tumhe Rudy


O: you do this much work a day for me. Phir bhi you dont get irritated when I show nakhre.

Rudy chuckles.

Ru: so that means I will get my PA back tomorrow right

O:no. I told na two days I am your PA

Ru: but I gave you punishment na then

O: umm vo I am hungry

Om escape from Rudy

Ru: aree

Rudy goes to park the car .

Om walks inside

O: ok om. You have to say today. Its not that difficult. Its just three words

Om sees Svetlana cleaning the couch in the hall. Om smiles


Svetlana turns and smiles.

Sv: good evening sir

O: very good evening

Svetlana frowns seeing Om's weird behavior.

O: all are in home na

Sv: yes sir

O: did gau Gauri come

Sv:yeah she is in her room.

O: good very good

Sv: I will get tea for you

O: not now I will come back

Sv: ok

Om climbs the stairs.

O: ok don't be nervous you can do it. Go to Gauri. Tell I love you. That's it.

Om reach outside Gauri's room and see her sitting on the bed facing the other side.Om sighs

O: come on Om you can do it.

Om enter the room.

O: Gauri

She gets up and was about to turn

O: no no no stay like that. Dont turn. I need to tell you something. Vo kya hein na. Today I worked as Rudy's PA. It was not an easy task. Hats off to you all.I needed to say you something. Vo Rudy told to confess my feeling to you. No no I m not doing it not only coz Rudy told me. I also wanted to say you from the day I told I won't sign on the divorce papers. But I feel nervous to face you. Rudy told its very simple he can say I love you to bhavya very easily. So I should also have some courage na so I came to confess my feeling. (Om close his eyes)I love you Gauri. More than yesterday and less than tomorrow.

Om sighs and smiles

O: lo keh diya. I did it. Yess I did it. I said it to (opening his eyes shocked)bhavya?

Bhavya stands there stunned.

O: tum yahan

B: vo Gauri ji said me to sit here. She went to jhanvi maam's room.
O: daamnn

Gauri comes to the room.

G: omkaraji

Om turns back.

B: umm I will go down.

Gauri frowns seeing bhavya hurrying.

G: what happened to her

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