Untitled Part 4

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Gauri comes to home thinking about Om and what Anika said.She enter the home and see Swetlana cleaning the flower vase

D: Offo swetlana di, kitne baar bhi chamka do, isse zyada nahi chamakne vaala, u clean your face and look pretty, kya pata Veer jeeju ignore u seeing the shining of home

Sw mouth go O and hit D with the cloth.D giggles

D:Gauriji aa gayi

Sw: Gauri dekho na he is pulling my leg

G smiles and looks at both

D: I will bring tea for you

G nods.D goes.

G: (I think I should ask di, she is experienced na)di I wanted to ask u one thing

Sw: I know what u r going to ask

G: U know?

Sw: The menu na for dinner,vegetarian hein, roopamaa ki strict instruction hein aur he too like veg only.

G:Offo di I wanted to ask something else

Sw: Acha kya hein

G: Hmmm how u know that

Sw: What

G: That jeeju is the one u know

Sw frowns

Sw: I know many people

G: Arre di samjha karo na,I meant that he is special and u know

Sw: Ohhh u mean love

G:Haan vahi

Sw: Its not something we can explain ,bas when we feel lonely or if any trouble thinking about them or talking to them we feel its gone,I know all tease me here with Veer , but I admire and respect him dan in love with him, bcoz I was a person who thought that love and marriage and all is not my thing,when my parents left us I was the one to look after my sisters, I had studies only till 10th.I used to do any work that came my way and from last 6 years with omkara Sir,first in his nani's home now here.Khannaji brought me here. Bas I saw Veer here and he told he is ready to share all my worries. I thought may be he will forget me after becoming a doctor but still he like me.

Sw became emotional. G too.

G: Tab toh yeh varmala banta hein

G takes the flowers.D comes with the tea.G drinks it

G :Ok I will freshen up and come

G goes. O comes to home

O:Arre waah,very clean home

Sw smiles

O: Veer will be reaching any time.he landed at the airport

Sw smiles and nods

O:I will change and come

Om goes.

Gauri comes down and the bell rings, Sw and Roop goes eagerly to open the door

G: Ohh jeeju came,but omkaraji hasn't arrived yet, anyways I will go with the garland. G takes the garland and see all are there blocking her view talking to veer.

G: Arre move

All move .G smiles and look forward to see a stomach,G look wide eye and looks up to see a tall man, taller than omkara

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