Untitled Part 9

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3 weeks later:

Things have settled down and Futaba has started to open up. She was so much livelier than before and everyone could tell. Futaba's only problem now was what to do about Ebisu. She had not told anyone about him yet. They had hung out a few times and it was even better in person than when they would text. Futaba loved that she could talk about her past with him and he actually understood. Maybe .... I'll keep him a secret for now?

The problem was she was not very good at sneaking around. If joker asked her to hang out she would make some vague Im busy with this or that remark. Joker was starting to feel hurt. He could tell Futaba was hiding something and he didn't like it one bit. He was supposed to be her best friend so why was she acting so distant? He was not the only one on the lookout however. Since that night Ryuji was keeping a watchful eye over Futaba. He never brought up the hug and her crying but knew she wasn't okay. Her sudden change in happiness only caused more suspicion.

One day on her way to a secret hangout with Ebisu Joker decided to follow Futaba. Futaba walked down streets and headed toward the park? Joker hid behind a bush. Then he lost sight of her. frantic her started to all over. Then a voice from behind said "she went that way".

"Ryuji what are you doing here" he asked

"same as you I guess, something isn't right.... Ya know"

Joker nodded and the two followed together.

Futaba finally came to a stop. She took her headphones with a huge smile.

Why is she so happy Ryuji asked Joker?

"Beats me"

Futaba smiled and trotted over to ... a boy?

Ryuji and Joker both froze. "What the hell"

Im sure it was all a misunderstanding Ryuji"

"Ya.. you're right, Im sure that guy just has some gaming system for her, or she bought a custom figure or something"

Both the boys laughed and thought it was silly that they were making such a fuss. It was Futaba after all. She never showed any interest in boys, let alone people outside the group.

 She never showed any interest in boys, let alone people outside the group

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They were about to leave when the other boy shifted toward Futaba. He smiled gently at her and moved her hair away from her face. Slightly brushing against her cheek in the process.

Ryuji and Joker LOST IT.

Before either of them realized they were sprinting over to Futaba. Ryuji being slightly faster made it first and pushed himself between them. Joker grabbed Futaba and hid her behind his back. Ryuji Swung his fist at the unknown man and said "don't you dare touch her".

The man easily dodges the attack and didn't seem phased by this sudden and abrupt interruption. Futaba however was overcome with anger and embarrassment.


"Wait what!? We are protecting you" Ryuji was getting irritated now.


Joker calm as ever looked at Futaba and asked her to explain.

Ebisu chimed in "I guess you're Joker and Ryuji? um... I guess this isn't a good time I should go"

"No wait!

"It's okay" he smiled "I'll talk to you later, promise"

"Um.. okay." Futaba said slightly disappointed.

Ebisu walked away and Joker and Ryuji wanted answers.

"Im not a child and I can have other friends besides you two!" She didn't mean to yell at Joker but when she was embarrassed she tended to be mean.

"Im not in any danger and its none of anyone's business. Just leave me alone!!!"

Futaba ran away. She felt so bad. She didn't mean to hurt anyone with her new secret but she still wasn't good at opening up. And why is everyone acting so weird about this?

A few minutes later she received three separate texts.


"Are you free tomorrow? I think we should talk"


"Hey! Are you okay? Sorry to make you so mad, im just confused. Can we talk?"


"Even though we got interrupted are we still on for tomorrow?"

Damn she thought, im in trouble now. Even though she made a mess of things the only person she felt like she had to explain herself to was HIM.

She responded to only HIM.

"Ya, tomorrow will be great, I'll explain everything"

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