Day one

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My eyes flutter open as i take in my surroundings i see my phone beside me i groan and turn it off and roll back over in my bed drifting off to sleep.

I woke up for the second time today, my eyes struggle to open "fuck" I grumble I stand up and grab my clothes I'd laid out last night. I scan the room well hotel room, I was starting Collage in my home town with my two best friends, Louis and Violet. Well Louis was what I wished would be more than friends, but he never thought of me like that, and Vi she was like a sister to me.

Okay so I'm gonna tell you a bit about my friends. Louis is always happy and telling jokes, he pretty chill and doesn't get offended easily but if you upset him he'll try to fix things but if you don't try, your dead to him. He is the kind of people you heard about in poems, you know the whole "the happiest people are the saddest" or "he feels lonely in a crowd" that might just be from a song, but that's irelvent. He was always so kind to me and even when I left him and Vi FaceTimed me everyday but nothing compares to seeing his big happy smile in real life. He is the only guy in our main friendship group so he had to deal with two self hating hormonal teen girls, but his guy friends weren't much better you could practically smell the testosterone off of Mitch and Marlon though the phone.

And then we have Violet, she act all tough but she as sweet as a cookie, just a big softie. She came out to her parents when she was 14 and because they're ass holes they sent her away to a summer camp call "Ericsson summer camp for troubled youth" (me and Louis also when did different reasons) that is where she met Minnie her now girlfriend for 6 years. Oh that's the best most ironic backstory ever right like movie worthy. She is an ass hole to her friends but she lives us all but ever one knows that me and Louis are her best friends.

I walk to the bathroom to shower and get ready. (I'm not going to narrate her showering and getting dressed so here's her outfit)  (also her hair is long and she some times straightens it)

 (I'm not going to narrate her showering and getting dressed so here's her outfit)  (also her hair is long and she some times straightens it)

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Time skip (cause I can bitch)

I take a long sip of my shitty coffee from that shitty hotel and go back to cramming more shit into my car. Once I finally fit my suitcases in I walk around and sit down in my Uncles -not my real uncle- old car, my dads friends are all my aunts and uncles, I've got kenny, Luke(who's more like a brother cause if his age), Rebecca and Alvin, Javi and Kate and Jesus well that's not his real name but he makes the best Jesus ever, first if he's gay because if his name is Jesus what can you expect, he's so kind, he's an atheist and he has long hair and a beard.

Okay enough rambling. I start up my car and put my cup down, once I'm onto the road I soon enough I find my self only on hour away from my destination.

I am finally in the right place, after arriving at two shops and one hospital I found it, I honestly have no idea how I missed it, 5 floors, old brick work and- oh wait maybe it's cause it's in the middle of a forest, may be an over statement but it is surrounded by thick trees.

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