Chapter 7

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How do I get a cat?" Stiles day in lieu of 'hello'

"Stiles," Scott sighs "A cat would kill you." He says surely.

"No, it wouldn't." Stiles argues.

"Yes, it would."

After 6 minutes and 37 seconds of a really, really unnecessary argument they (Scott) established that a cat would definitely kill Stiles. Scott only had to point out two things: it was an animal and Stiles would be the one dealing with it.

"Whatever" Stiles finally says "It's not for me anyways, it's for my son."

He knew Lydia will freak out, but it didn't matter. He'd do anything to make Ben happy. And if Lydia wanted to fight over it, he would definitely fight back.


"We're still up for the movies tomorrow?" Maddie says sitting on the couch.

"Sorry babe," Stiles says "I can't go tomorrow, I have to get a cat."

"A cat?" Maddie asks suspiciously.

"A cat." Stiles afirms "It's for Ben, he's always wanted a pet, but apparently he is allergic to dogs and it's totally my fault, so yeah a cat."

"Okay... let's go now then."

"Eeeer .... I can't go today either."

"And why not?" Maddie huffs out.

"Because I still haven't figured it out how to get the damn cat." Stiles says frantically.

"So there's how is going to be from now on? Maddie asks "You're going to live only for your son?"

"There's how is was supposed to be happening since he was born" Stiles snaps

"Hey! Don't be mad at me, be mad at the redhead that didn't tell you about him."

"Strawberry blonde." Stiles murmurs.


"Nothing!" He sighs "I'm sorry babe, but I promised him. We can go next week, okay?"

"Fine then" Maddie breathes out.

Turns out getting the cat was the easier than he thought it was. Picking which cat he wanted was hard. He ended it up with a three months old white kitten with blue eyes.

When he showed up at Lydia's house, cat in town, Stiles received two reactions: a excited squeal- son- and monstrous glare- mother.

"Okay, I know you said no, but can you really say no to this face?" Stiles asks Lydia pointing his index finger at Ben.

Noticing this, Ben helps his father by putting on such a puppy dog face that had Stiles almost asking if she is sure that Scott is not in fact Ben's dad. But he doesn't have a dead wish, so he keeps his mouth shut.

"Uuugg fine!" Lydia huffs out.

"Yes!" Father and son celebrate at the same time.

"God, what have I gotten myself into?" Lydia mumbles

"Oh shut up, you know you gonna love it, besides don't you miss having a pet? You had Prada for a long time, that demon dog."

"Maybe a little," Lydia replies "And hey, don't say that about Prada, he was a really sweet dog."

"He bit you!"

"He had reasons!"

"He was a dog! What kind of reasons could he possibly had!" Is weird batter with her like that again. Good weird. He missed.

"Urg! Whatever." Lydia huffs out looking at Ben, who's not giving them the time of the day, to busy playing with his new pet.

"So," Stiles starts "What are you gonna name it?" He asks Ben.

"Snowflake." Ben replies after a minute.

"That's pretty baby, it fits you kitten." Lydia says, having fully accepted that the cat is staying.

"Your mom's right, it's a really pretty name." Stiles says.

Then Ben gets up from the floor and runs to him, hugging Stiles as tight as his five years old arms could probably go.

"Thank you so munch! I really love it daddy." Ben whispers in the hug.

So yeah! Stiles wasn't playing on him tearing up today. But he did. His son just called him dad. He wants to keeping hugging him forever and never let go. But as how all good things ends, after a minute Ben went back to play with his cat, leaving Stiles in a total emotional state.

Lydia having seen that puts a hand on his shoulder rubbing slightly.

"Feels pretty good huh." She says after a while.

"Yes, the best." He looks up at her, looking away a minute later. He can't look at her to long, because it hurts to much. He could have had this a long time ago.

Now that he is here. And he's a dad. And somebody in the world also depends on him besides himself. He's gotta do better. He's gotta be better. Looking at his son, he realizes he's never knew what worrying about someone really was.

Of course when he dated Lydia he worried about her, he still does. But he didn't have a freak out if she chose to ran, or walk or cough or breathe with a slightly different noise. He realizes that this feeling is never going away as long as he lives. Stiles couldn't be more happy about it.

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