Chapter 19

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Seeing Ben in a hospital bed, pale and extremely frágil looking was the hardest and the most heartbreaking thing Lydia ever had to do. But having Stiles by her side every step of the way made the pain a little more easier to go through.

"I must confess that I never imagine the first time I would see my grandson in person would be like this." Noah said on the side of Ben's bed. He flew over the country the second he heard about the accident.

It made Lydia feel better knowing Stiles had someone he could hold on to also, seeing her mom practically wouldn't leave her side for a minute. Lydia understood completely, she didn't want to leave Ben not even to shower herself. It has been four days already and she is going out of her mind.

"Yeah dad, me too." Stiles said while he was doing the stretching exercises the doctor recommend for Ben. "God! I just don't understand why he won't wake up already." Stiles nearly shouted as he put the blankets around Ben.

"He's going to wake up son. I'm sure of it." Noah said putting his hand on one of Stiles' shoulder. Stiles let out a humorless laugh.

"He has to. I don't know what I'd do if he doesn't." And Lydia can 100% comprehend that sentiment.

After everybody were slightly calm again Stiles went to sit by her side and took her hand, after kissing the back of it he begun to play with her fingers like he used to do even before they got together. Their relationship didn't progress much after that brief kiss seeing both of them concentrate on anything other than Ben's condition. But Lydia was almost sure that when their little boy started to run around again they are going to try as hard as they can to be the family he deserves, just like she always wanted.

Ben woke up three days later, confused and thirsty. After two whole cups of water he went back to sleep. The whole thing didn't take more then five minutes, but it was absolutely wonderful to see those two little and perfect green eyes again even for a little while.

It took more twelve hours for Ben to wake up again.  "Mommy?" He said with a raspy voice.

"Hey baby, I so glad you're awake. I missed you so much. Look everyone is here, even your grandad." Lydia said siting next to her son's bed.

"Where's daddy?" Ben said trying to look around the room.

"Hey, I'm right here buddy, how you're doing?" Stiles asked Ben sitting on the other side of the bed.

"I'm really hungry daddy. Can I have a burger with curly fries?" Everyone chuckle at that. He was such a mini Stiles it was scary.

"Sure buddy, you can have anything you want. But first you have to let the nice nurse check on you ok, cause you hit you head really hard and we want to know if its better?" Stiles says softly, lighting strocking Ben's hair.

"K dad." Ben said almost falling asleep again.

"I thought I'd never hear that again little man." 

"Don't worry daddy, when I get out we will have the little girl from my dreams. She calls your daddy too." Ben said then fell asleep again. Leaving the room dead silence with four stunned adults.

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