Chapter Seven

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   "Eli, what's this spell?"  My tiny finger pointed at my older brother's Dungeon and Dragons player guide book.  I six at the time, peering over my brother's shoulder as he adjusted his player sheet.

"That's Discern Location.  It helps me find creatures or other things."  Elijah patiently answered.

"Why would you need that spell?"

"Well, this next mission my party is going on will be very challenging.  It'll be easy for the bad guys to separate us, so I need a spell that will help me find one of them."   He smiled at me as he completed his character's leveling up.

I was mystified.  "So, if I get lost do you think I could use di-dishurn lokayshun to find you?"  Elijah laughed as the gap in my smile interfered with my diction.

"It doesn't work like that bud.  Besides in the game it only works for things that are within a thousand meters."

"Oh..."  Elijah picked up on my disappointment.

"Tell you what, I'll teach you a real spell that works instead."

"Really!?" I perked up.

He chuckled and nodded in conformation.  I was ecstatic!  "Alright, so first ball up your fist and place it over your heart like this."  Elijah demonstrated.  "Then with every ounce of hope you have, proclaim this word, Delphi!  As you say it throw you hand out.  Here watch me."  Elijah stood from his desk and proudly cast his spell.  "Wanna give it a shot?" I eagerly joined him and followed his movement.

"Perfect! Just like that!  Man, you're a natural spellcaster!"  My brother complimented.

"What does it do Eli?"

", temporarily stuns your enemy.  But only once or twice.  Depending on how much magic you use and how loud you say it, this spell can summon allies like me to come and find you or protect you."

I stared with bewildered eyes at my hands, "wow, that's so cool!" I squealed.  I practiced my new spell casting for hours that night.

  I practiced my new spell casting for hours that night

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A tear plopped on to my hand, jolting me awake.  I didn't realize I had zoned out while remembering Elijah.  I checked my phone after wiping my eyes.

Delphi was our group's way of looking out for one another.  It was our secret way to call for help. More importantly, it was a promise that no matter how old we got we would honor our oath and give assistance no matter what.  However, tonight as I sat alone in the barren parking lot, I wondered who would honor our code.

Chen was the first to arrive.  He parked his van and stood next to me starring at that ancient door.

"This place again huh?"  Chen asked without looking away from the door.  I nodded.  "Makes sense as to why you'd exclude your brother in the group chat."  He continued.  "Gabe, can I ask you something?"  He sighed.

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