Meeting Bianca

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It has been over a year since Ripto was brought to the artisans realm and his attitude has changed significantly. From timid and gruff, to mild mannered and soft spoken. He has even come to care for Spyro and his friends, mainly Spyro himself. Whenever Spyro would be off doing his job in the artisans homeworld, Ripto would be allowed to go visit the others. The professor would let Ripto help him with a couple of his experiments and Elora was more than happy to spend time with him.

Everyone was happy that Ripto's reformation was progressing well. However, Hunter was still unsure about this whole ordeal. He doesn't trust Ripto despite, his obvious change in demeanor. Ripto noticed this a mile away but, Spyro would tell him that Hunter thought he was stealing his thunder. Although, Hunter was able to control his jealousy a little bit, his next encounter with Ripto would make his jealousy turn into full blown hate and rage towards the Dino.


One week ago was the year of the dragon. Of course, when the sorceress sent her apprentice and rhynocs to go steal the dragon eggs, Spyro had to go out to get them back. As much Ripto hated to admit it but, he was seriously worried about Spyro and hoped to dragon spirits that he would be okay. Luckily, the professor and Elora reassured Ripto that Spyro was okay, as they saw him when the professor's newest portal sent them to one of the forgotten realms.

Ripto was relieved but, made a mental note to ask Spyro to tell him when he was going on another big adventure. Right now, Ripto was doing his shift at Gavin's tavern and he was keeping an eye on the place while Gavin went out to get some exotic ingredients thankfully, it was a slow day and there was a minimal amount of patrons who came and left quickly.

Ripto was now picking up cleaning supplies and began to make his way to the storage closet when suddenly the door opened. "So, Bentley asked me if he should hit moneybags one more time and I said 'at least' and then he hit him right though the ice wall!" Spyro exclaimed while laughing, along with two other voices one that belonged to Hunter and the other that was a female but, it didn't sound like Elora. Ripto was about to greet them but, only got as far as saying Spyro's name before losing his balance as he was climbing up the three stairs to get to the storage closet and he fell back with the cleaning supplies flying in the air.

"I gotcha!" The female's voice shouted. In a split second, both Ripto and the cleaning supplies were levitating in the air and they were engulfed in a light blue aura. Ripto did not expect that to happen. He looked to the door and saw a female bunny wearing what he assumed must of been a sorcerer's cloak and she was holding a light blue wand and looked liked she was concentrating on her magic. The cheetah and young dragon behind her looking just as shocked as he did.

Slowly but carefully, the bunny sorceress lowered the surprised Dino and cleaning supplies onto the ground gently and sighed in relief once she succeeded. "Nice catch, Bianca." Spyro said also relieved. "Bianca?" A confused Ripto asked. The bunny in question looked down at the Dino as Hunter crossed his arms and sent a nasty glare at him. Immediately, Spyro spoke, "oh yeah, Ripto this is Bianca, she used to work for that sorceress I had to fight against but, then joined our side." Spyro explained as he introduced the bunny. He then looked at the bunny. "Bianca, this is Ripto, previously my enemy and now reformed as one of the good guys." He said proudly.

"So, your the one Spyro was telling me all about," Bianca said as she approached the Dino, "It's nice to finally meet you, Ripto." She then held out her hand to shake his paw. Ripto smiled as he took a hold of her hand to shake it, "nice to meet you, too Bianca and thanks for catching me back there." "No problem." Bianca said with a giggle. That caused Hunter to growl silently but, he managed to keep his cool.

"So, you worked for a sorceress?" Ripto asked with curiosity. "Yeah, she was training me on how to use my magic," Bianca explained. "I was helping her because I thought she wanted to bring the dragons back to the forgotten realms but then, she told me her true intentions so, I rebelled against her." "Well, at least your story's better then mine," Ripto replied with a chuckle. "I mean you were just an apprentice and I was a true villain." "I still find it interesting that you were able to use magic properly for being a Dino," Bianca said with amazement and curiosity laced in her voice. "Your story must be more interesting than mine."

Before Ripto could say anything, Hunter butted in and started to speak to his girlfriend with a hand on her shoulder. "Yeah, but his story is pretty long," he began hoping to sway her attention away from Ripto. "You're not really interested in hearing-" "Oh, I am seriously interested!" Bianca exclaimed as she walked away from her boyfriend and stepping forward to the Dino. "Besides, the longer the story the more intriguing it is." Hunter jawdropped and gasped silently as the bunny and Dino started to communicate. "Well then, come to the serving counter and I will tell you everything and if you'd like, I could make you one of my newest beverage creations, a carrot berry twist." Ripto offered. "OMG, I would love to try it!" Bianca said almost hopping with immense joy.

Hunter looked over at the Dino, his blue eyes literally starting to glow green with envy. He watched as ripto prepared the beverage while telling Bianca his story and the more he watched them, the more enraged he became. Spyro immediately noticed this and then let out a little hum. "So, the cheetahs jelly that his girlfriend is talking with another boy." He said slyly as Hunter turned to the young dragon mouth agape. "N-no, i'm totally fine with Bianca talking to that little, good-for-nothing lizard." He tried to say, though the last part of his sentence was said through gritted teeth.

Spyro rolled his eyes and spoke, "ugh, dude this is getting old. I know you don't like Ripto and you still believe that he is a villain but, the guy is trying and so far he has proven that he can be good." As he spoke his next words, Spyro flew up to Hunter's face so that he could get the point he was trying to make come across the cheetah. "Everyone has already accepted the new reformed Ripto, except for you and all because you feel like he's stealing your spotlight and is being the center of attention.

Hunter looked hurt and shocked, mainly hurt at what his little buddy just said to him. "I can't believe you would think that...." Hunter was at a loss for words so, Spyro started again. "Hunter, you always want to show everyone how awesome you are and believe me we are already aware about how awesome you are. But right now, Ripto NEEDS to be shown attention and get praised for doing a good job at reforming. If we don't show him that we are proud of how he changed his ways, there is a possibility that he may go back to his villainous ways and he won't be willing to try to reform again."

"I know," Hunter began with a sigh, "its just that i'm worried about you guys and Ripto. I'm afraid Ripto might go back to his evil ways and hurt you guys and I will be just as useless as I was when he tried to take over avalar." As Hunter finally admitted the truth, Spyro's expression softened. "Wow, I never knew you cared that much Hunter," Spyro said genuinely shocked. "But, Ripto isn't like what he used to be. He is more patient and willing to listen to others." Spyro then looked over at the bunny and Dino as they laughed at how much in common they have, "ya know if you were to give Ripto a chance, you might be surprised and it could also help ya with learning more about him as well as trusting him."

Hunter looked over at Ripto and Bianca, he thought about Spyro's words as he watched them communicate happily. "Ya think, I can trust him?" He finally asked, unsure with himself. "I know you can." Spyro replied positively. Hunter then looked at the purple adolescent and then back at the bunny and Dino as he made up his mind. He took a deep breathe in and then out, as he walked towards the duo. Spyro watched on as the cheetah went ahead and joined in Bianca and Ripto's conversation, and all the while his smile grew as he saw the three of them enjoying each others company.

As Spyro watched them, his friend sparx came buzzing in and landed on his head. "Ya know sparx," he began with a sigh. "Even though, I don't like resolving conflicts between others and always having to be the hero and save the day. I can at least say at the end of the day, I am proud of my work." Sparx then buzzed in agreement as they continued to watch the trio's conversation.

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