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Niall Horan 

I woke up in the middle of the night, finding Vanessa cuddling next to me, Aww, she's so cute when she sleeps. Trying not to wake her, I slowly pulled away from her and got out of bed.

Tip-toeing into Soph's room, I slowly open the door and peeked in. Only finding her sound asleep. I walked towards her bed and looked down at her face. I can hear her mumble some words that i don't understand.

But one word caught my attention. "Don't... Ni...." What is she dreaming about?

Then her voice sounded even more clear. " Niall... Niall!!" she cried, tears streaming down her face as she started kicking the air.

"Soph?" i shook her gently.

As her eyes fluttered open and she sees me, I could see her eyes starts to water again. I held her tightly as she sobs into my chest.

"Shh... its ok, I'm here..." I cooed. Whatever she was dreaming definitely scared her, I need to know what was the dream about. I guess she would tell me soon.

After staying in that position for some time, she finally stopped crying. she must have fallen asleep.

Gently, I lay her back down on the bed and tucked her in. Sighing, I planted a kiss on her forehead and left the room.

Sophie Horan

I woke up with a bad headache. Then, I remembered what happened last night.

~Flashback of Dream~

He was standing there, with Vanessa, Of course.

He said something to me that i can't quite catch.

Then, he started to walk away with her.

I ran for him.

But I couldn't reach for him, It seem so close but so far away.

I cried for his name. He didn't turn around.

He  just kept walking to the train station ahead.

I wanted to reach for him so bad, but he was gone...

~End of Dream~

Ok, that wasn't the best dream i ever recalled. Infact, it was the worst one yet.

Ignoring the throbbing pain in my head, I got up and went into the bathroom to get ready for a long and horrible day.

After putting on some decent clothes, ive decided to skip makeup and let everyone see what a mess i am. 

I headed downstairs and that's when all the questioning started.

"Morning honey, oh my goodness what happened?" my mom asks, sounding concerned.

I was pretty suprised Niall didn't say anything though.

"Oh nothing mom, just a bad dream..." I mumbled and sat down, going straight for my food. Avoiding everyone's questioning looks.

After shoving the damn breakfast down my system, I excused myself and went to my room. Wanting to be left alone badly.

 As expected, someone knocked on my door moments later. And it has to be Niall. I'm still mad at him though.

" Hey sis, you alright love?" He approaches me, his voice sounded worried. I just ignored him.

I looked out of the window. I could feel my bed sink in when he took a seat beside me.

He just sighed moments later and got up. I heard the door closed. I let out a loud sigh and plopped on my bed.

After debating with myself for a long time wether to go downstairs or not. I FINALLY got up and headed downstairs, finding the two of them cuddled up on the sofa. I cringed at the view and slowly tip-toed to the door. Without them noticing, I quickly walked out and ran to Mason's house.

"What am I gonna do?" I was currently sitting on Mason's porch, playing with my shoelaces while she tries to make me feel better. Well I can tell you that she's doing a bad job.

"Maybe you should just tell him, maybe he would understand? "

She suggested.

"There is no way I'm ever gonna confess to him. He didn't even tell me that he had a girlfriend. And he HAD to bring her home on my freakin birthday!" I exclaimed as frustration runs through my head.

"Oh come on, its not that bad, maybe he was trying to surprise you?"

That silent me. I sighed once again and got up, I just walked away without even a goodbye. I know it was rude of me but I really just need some time alone to think, there's so much mess in my head right now and I need to try to clear it all away. Alone.

Niall Horan

I heard the front door close as I look up. It was definitely Soph. Why was she mad? Did I do something wrong? She was so happy to see me the other day, what happened? 

The more I thought about it, the more worried I become.  My expression must have shown cause Vannesa is looking at me worriedly.

"What's wrong babe?"

"Nothing sweetheart,  just thinking." I faked a smile.

"Ya sure?" No.

"Yeah..." I mumbled.

"Alright then." She turned her attention back to the tv.

After the movie ended, I heared the door open. She's back. I looked at her and she seem fazed. What's going on in her head?

"Hey Soph" Vanessa spoked cheerfully, breaking the awkward silence.

"Hey..." she mumbled and walks up the stairs.

"Soph, wait." I stopped her as soon as I can.

She groaned and looked at me coldly then answered. "What do you want?"

"What's wrong sis? Ever since last night, you've been so cold to me. I thought you were happy to see me? What's going on? What did I do wrong?" I protested.

She took a deep breath and I could see her expression snap.

"What's wrong? Oh I'll tell you what's wrong. Yes, I was so happy to see you. But I couldn't believe you didn't tell me you got a girlfriend and you had to bring her home on my freakin birthday?! You think it would be great surprise for me? Or was it just for mom and dad? Do you even know how many nights I have sobbed myself to sleep when you left?! My grades were dropping, and mom wouldn't let me call you. I was all alone Niall. You have no idea how I felt, coz you've been busy living your dreams and having fun in pubs while I sit here all alone every night crying and waiting for you to come home! And when you did, you have to ruin it with bringing her along! I--"

"That's it!" I slapped her across yhe face hard. "Stop your nonsense and go to your room now!"

I could see her eyes filled with tears,shock and fear. She glared at Vanessa and ran upstairs sobbing.

I Immediately regretted it after I realised my actions. I looked over at Vanessa and she seem shocked and scared too.

What have I done?

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