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The man sat shotgun in his car with a newspaper positioned efffectively in front of his face serving the two purposes it was meant for impeccably. He had come to get revenge on the family that cost his family's destruction.

"One... stealth, loom in the shadows two... disinterest, you aren't spying. You aren't to be caught spying." He repeatedly chanted the mantra that he had been memorizing for the past twenty eight days.

He was still reciting the first two entries of his plan of merciless reprisal thirty minutes later when he heard the distinct roar of a motorcycle which pulled up in front of the house he was watching and he saw right in front of him the cause of all of his turmoil, the catalysts of the dramatic, publicized and catastrophic collapse of his family's business.

He watched as the family- the devil and his equally evil girl carrying in her arms their neonate wretch. He tried really hard to block out the distressing flashbacks his mother on the floor having a heart attack after learning that her husband was being jailed for life while he quickly fumbled with the phone and yelled directions to the person on the other end of the phone after he'd dialed 911. She died right on his arms before the paramedics team arrived and when they did eventually arrive there was nothing they could do except whisk her back to the hospital whether due to necessity to have her officially pronounced deceased there or to raise his hopes a possibility of a resurrection he didn't know...

He waited until they were inside and gave them some time to settle his hawk like gaze not faltering for two seconds. He watched past the darkness enshrouding the car he was sat in, past the illuminated driveway and into the house on the receiving end of his gaze as one by one the lights went out and finally, there was only one room left with some faint light emanating from it and a silhouette continuously paced up and down and occasionally drew the blinds as if he knew of his presence or like he was expecting someone and he fervently hoped it was the latter.

He exhaled with relief when a black sedan pulled up in the adjacent house's driveway and the one illuminated room in the house was cast into darkness as the devil came out almost immediately, trudged to the car and got in. His relief was however rather short-lived since the car's engine roared back to life and off into the darkness they drove. He had not planned on any of them leaving their house that night alive. He just managed to get a glimpse of the driver of the sedan and if his vision was reliable enough he was sure it was the first in his hit list, Mason. Seeing him drive off with his accomplice, number two- Scott, made his blood boil although he was pretty sure that even with the extremely hot climate it wasn't hot enough for it to be playing a part in the bubbling heat making the scarlet liquid flowing in his veins to boil before reaching it's boiling point - it had to be the simmering hatred.

He hadn't quite managed to wrap his head around the fact that the one person who had managed to gain his father's trust was the same force behind his father's downfall. He really wasn't sorry for the man though- the same one that sired him- he had had it coming all along. As a matter of fact it was long overdue. He had decided to trust total strangers over him, his only son. He hadn't hesitated to call him incompetent whenever an opportunity presented itself.

He was actually doing this for his mother- solely. The old man could rot in hell for all he cared. He wouldn't had batted an eyelid was it not that his downfall had also brought about the downfall of the most important person in his contemptible life- his ma. So in all fairness the people behind his father's illegal business being busted were responsible for his mother's death. And boy were they going to pay!.

The fourth was the daughter of the devious couple; number two and three, the name was Vienna he believed. She was barely a year old but that didn't exempt him from planning on executing her. He would start with her.That would make sure that they knew he was after them so that they'd try to fight back. The more interesting he made this the better. They'd watch their backs and he'd trip them from the front. But most importantly, he'd turn the three at the top of the list against each other.

The baby he'd just go easy on- kill it fast just as a warning. He'd actually be doing it a favor saving it from growing into this fucked up place they called earth- unless of course it was planning on being an astronaut, a loner, and just go away to live with the friendly monsters called aliens. It surely would be a shame if she wasn't interested in hostile humans and she wanted to be as far away as he'd wanted to be as a kid whenever his father came home worked up only to continuously yell at him...

He snapped out of his thoughts and immediately realized that he'd wasted enough time and that he needed to change the plan.  On second thought he wouldn't kill the baby though, he'd take it. If he killed her because of her parents' sins, he wouldn't feel any different from his mother dying due to his father's misdeeds. He would actually feel more accomplished if it grew to be a lone astronaut, go into space and live with the aliens like Tarzan lived with the apes. She would live up to his childhood dreams.

"Three... camouflage, blend in with the darkness. You're as untouchable as the darkness enshrouding you.." He continued as he walked to the front door and uncovered the single key that lay under the 'welcome' mat. He rolled his eyes- people had to stop being so cliche and predictable. Spice things up a little for him by making things a little more difficult. He got his answer alright- because just as soon as he unlocked the door he was hit at the back of the head with a crowbar, and just like that he was suddenly laying unconscious at the doorstep of the house he'd come to bring doom into.

His plan failed. But not completely, because doom he did manage to bring into that very household because as soon as Lucy managed to drag him a little further into the house so that the door would close, she locked it behind her, carrying her child in her arms and after struggling to bring to life the motorcycle parked outside on their driveway, she rode off to leave the baby with her sister but not before texting number two;
       Scott, you promised he wouldn't     find us.
       You are so incompetent.
And just like that she vanished immediately after.
And the relationship between Scott and Mason became very strained. A few weeks later number one got murdered in cold blood.


I can't believe I finally did this!!!!!
A great prologue is one of the surest ways to hook me to a story and I hope mine hooked you to my story:-)💌
Sorry it's a bit confusing. You'll get it as you move along...

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