Making new friends

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you just finished unpacking all of your stuff and decided to introduce yourself to your neighbors. when you reached the front door you rang the bell and a white-haired boy answered. "Hi I'm (y/n) and I just moved here from New York. I live over there in that house," you said as you pointed to the house across the street. The boy stared at you for a minute and said, "I'm Jason and why do I need to know that?" he continued to stare at you. "Yo Jason, who is it?" a brown-haired boy came to the door and said, "Hi I'm Adi and I apologize for Jason's behavior." Adi invited you inside and you guys talked for a few hours.


Adi got up to use the bathroom and you decided to go on Instagram. As you turned on your phone you read the time, 1:13 am." holy shit I have to leave Adi!" you said to Adi as he walked out of the bathroom. " Wait...can I get your phone number before you leave?" you and Adi exchanged numbers then you rushed home. Adi and you were texting for an hour or so as you started to drift to sleep. that night you dreamed about Adi.

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