Chapter One

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"Dad!" Amelia shouted. "I'm going out!" Hiccup was suddenly woken up by the sound of his daughter shouting.

"Where?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. "My boyfriends house." Amelia answered, closing the door. "Be careful Amelia!" Hiccup said, but she closed the door before the words managed to come out from his mouth.

He let out a loud sigh as he sat up in his seat. He looked at his surroundings. "Dammit, I feel asleep at my desk again." He said, stretching.

He stood up from his slightly uncomfortable chair and walked to what he called his bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror and cringed at what he was looking at.

"Jesus Christ Hiccup, you look like a mess." He said to himself as he stroked his beard. It had been a few weeks since he took care of himself. The island had gone through a lot of troubles in the passed few weeks, leaving little to not time for Hiccup to get what he needed for himself done.

He took his blade and gave himself a nice, clean shave. He later walked to the river to wash himself.

When he was finished, he walked back. He opened the door to the three room building he called home. It wasn't too big, but it was the perfect size for a small family.

He set his stuff down in his bathroom and walked towards the kitchen. That was when something caught his eye.

He saw a picture he had drawn of him and his wife on the day they got married. He wouldn't call himself the best artist, but everyone in town said that it looked exactly like her. Some even told him that he should travel across the world and sell his art. He was flattered by the idea, but it wasn't not the life he wanted.

He picked up the frame and ran his calloused fingers along the smooth, clear glass. A faint smile came across his lips as he admired the drawing.

"My beautiful wife." He whispered, barely audible. A tear was about to fall from his eyes, but stopped when he heard the sound of the door opening.

He quickly put the picture back and turned to see Amelia who was closing the door.

"Amelia, sweetie!" He said, forcing a smile. "How was it?"

"It was fine." Amelia answered, grabbing an apple off of the table. "We just talked and hung out."

"That's great." Hiccup said. "I was about to cook dinner." He began to walk to the kitchen, which was where Amelia was standing at the time.

"I'm not hungry." She said. "I ate at Andy's house. His mom cooked." Hiccup seemed a bit taken back, considering she was eating an apple.

"Are you sure?" He asked. "Because I can make something if you're still hungry." "Dad, I'm fine. I ate too much over there." Amelia said, biting her red fruit.

"Okay." Hiccup said, turning to walk to his room.

"I'm going to bed." Amelia said, before he left the room. Hiccup stopped and turned towards her.

"Oh, okay." He said. "Goodnight Amelia." He said turning back to his room. Hiccup didn't expect a reply from Amelia. She had been distant from him recently. Why? Even he did not understand.

He closed the bedroom door behind him.

"Oh Elsa, I need you right now." He whispered, leaning his head on the wood.

He stood there in the same position until he heard footsteps go up the stairs, then he opened the door.

He walked to the kitchen once more and started to prepare something for him to eat. He hadn't eaten much in a few weeks, so he seemed a bit frail.

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