Chapter Three

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Back in Berk, things were getting crazy. Eret had not done a good job at keeping things in order. Hiccup had only been gone for four days but it seemed like he'd been gone for months.

Everyone was running around the village, trying to get things under control, but that only made it worse.

"No I do not know when he'll be back!" Eret shouted. "Amelia wouldn't tell me anything."

"Well let's find her!" Someone yelled. "She couldn't have gone far."

Two days ago, Amelia and Andy suddenly disappeared. Everyone assumed that they went into the forest for some alone time, but Eret thought otherwise.

"We can't all just leave." He said.

"You're not the Chief." Some else said. "We don't have to listen to you."

Eret seemed taken back by those words, but snapped himself out of it.

"Fine." He said. "Just go!" With that, everyone left the building and ran into the forest in search of Amelia and her lover.

Eret sat down and put his head in his hands.

"Gods help me now." He said to himself.

Back at the island, Hiccup was standing at the shore with Elsa.

"You know, it's been a few days since I left Berk." He said, breaking the silence.

The two had just been listening to the ocean waves for the passed five minutes, not saying anything.

Elsa turned to look at him. He saw her head turn, so he turned his head also.

"What I'm trying to say is that I need to go back." He stated. "I'm still the Chief and I left Eret in charge."

Elsa tilted her head, confused.

"Right, you don't know who that is." Hiccup said, putting his finger to his lips. "He's an aquatince of mine." Elsa nodded and looked back at the ocean.

Hiccup took a deep breath. "I know it's short notice, and you have your own life here, but," He started. "I don't want you being here alone, especially when you have friends and family back at home." He stepped in front of Elsa.

She was looking at the ground. Hiccup started to get worried.

"Will you come back to Berk with me?" He asked. "Will you come back home?"

Elsa didn't look up. "I-I can't." She said.

Hiccup's heart sank. He felt like just grabbing her and forcing her to come, but he couldn't do that. Not to her.

"Why not?" He asked softly. "I mean, it's been years since you've been gone." Elsa looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

"You wouldn't understand." She said. "I would love to go back, but I just can't."

Hiccup saw the tear fall down her check.

"Hey, don't cry." He said, wiping the tear. "I'll understand, just tell me."

Elsa turned her body away from him. "I can't tell you." She said, looking back at the ground.

Hiccup knew he wasn't going to take no for an answer. He had to push her.

"If you know me, you know I won't take no for an answer." He said. "Especially when it comes to someone I love. You can't be here by yourself."

She turned to him. "I've been alone the passed fifteen years, I think I'll be fine." She said. Hiccup walked up to her.

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