Chapter Eight: Fair is Fair

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*Hey everyone. Thank you so much for your patience as I write this. I wanted to get the perfect balance here, so none of you end up hating Jungkook or Taehyung... I hope you enjoy this chapter. Warning: It is a slightly smutty chapter!*


A heavy silence consumes the inn bedchamber. Jungkook towers over Taehyung, staring down at him with unreadable eyes while Taehyung can't seem to calm his whirling mind. He needs to think about this rationally; needs to think diplomatically, and yet all that is coming to mind is Jungkook stripping him of the last pure thing about him. Would he be gentle about it? Would he even care? He knows the king has a heart and yet does that mean he will be sensitive during that moment? He has no reason to be. He will be getting exactly what he wants ever since he took him from the Desert Kingdom. Everything is just so overwhelming.

Taehyung takes one step away from Jungkook. And then another. And another. Jungkook lowers his gaze, fighting the bitter feeling of rejection in his gut. He loathes feeling weak. Loathes feeling like a burden, and yet if he did this sooner—or stood up to The Advisor—then they wouldn't be in this position.

"I apologize, Taehyung. I'm sure what I told you—"

"No. No...I'm not rejecting you..." Taehyung exclaims, his brows furrowed as his lips curl into a cute pout. Jungkook cocks his head, looking at Taehyung in confusion as the ebony-haired prince moves to the bed and sits on the edge of it, "I just need to think,"

"You...need to think..." Jungkook mumbles, unsure of what to make of this prince. This sacrificial lamb has more diplomacy in his little finger than half of the royals in the Mountain Court. He doesn't understand how he can be so accepting of this bullshit.

"Well...yes..." Taehyung says as if it is the most common thing in the world, "I know what position I am in here. I'm basically nothing. I am that stupid sacrificial lamb my society has made me out to be," Taehyung explains, words pouring out of his mouth quickly before a blush consumes his cheeks, "But if I have to be owned or controlled by anyone, I would rather it be you. You seem to care for me, and that does make a difference in my decision here," Jungkook stares at Taehyung almost flabbergasted by what he just said.

"You do know what that entails, right?" Jungkook questions and the blush on Taehyung's cheeks turns crimson red. He fiddles with the hem of his wool tunic as he innocently breaks his gaze with Jungkook.

" not really...I don't know a lot about...well that," Taehyung murmurs, his heart beating louder and louder in his chest as Jungkook wanders across the room. He kneels in front of Taehyung, so they are at eye level, and gently uses his fingers to lift the boy's chin. Taehyung looks into his eyes, that blush on his face spreading to the tip of his ears when he sees the burning embers in Jungkook's charcoal eyes.

"I can't promise I won't act cold towards you when we are at The Summit. Or that I won't treat you a certain way in public...but I will treat you well in private. I will make sure you are cared for and given anything you desire," Jungkook says, which has Taehyung's heart fluttering lightly.

"Well that's all I can ask for, right? That you won't be too...too hard on me..." he stammers and Jungkook smiles softly.

"I will do my best not to be..." he whispers, his cold heart melting as he sees Taehyung smile. It is a rare sight, and yet that smile is so glorious, Jungkook wants to see it again and again. Taehyung surprises Jungkook when he leans forward, resting his hands on the king's shoulders as he kisses him, those soft lush lips pressing tenderly into Jungkook's chapped ones. Instantly, the king takes control, kissing him deeply. His hands slip over Taehyung's waist, pulling at the hem of the tunic as if asking permission to take it off. Taehyung nods, lifting his arms so Jungkook can slide the heavy fabric off of him. He was getting too hot anyways, what with Jungkook's touch and kisses consuming his small frame. Jungkook stares at Taehyung in his white cotton shirt with hair messy, neck covered in purple marks and that damned chain glowing beneath it. Taehyung sits on the bed with an innocent excitement in his eyes, and Jungkook can't help but lean forward and kiss him again. 

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