Chapter Nine: The Demise of a King

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 Just a warning, this chapter mentions suicide and violence. Please please know this going in! This is a sad chapter! I will try to write in this story again before going on vacation, but in the prepared...


The inn is silent once again. Taehyung and Jungkook didn't do what the Royal Court expects of a king and his conquest, but Jungkook knows Taehyung isn't quite ready for that yet. He stares at the ebony-haired prince, eyes grazing over the hickeys on his skin, messy locks, slightly sweaty face, swollen lips, and the damned silver chain dangling amongst it all. Taehyung is gorgeous despite it all, and Jungkook can't wait to get his hands on him again. Yet, Taehyung looks tired. Or dazed. Not at all ready to go all the way with Jungkook. The toll of the clock tower in the distance reminds the king of what is important. The Summit. He is supposed to arrive today with Taehyung on his arm, presenting him to the Royal Court as a conquest. His conquest. Jungkook sighs, moving to the edge of the bed before swinging his legs off and crossing the room for his clothes. Taehyung watches him go, his heart aching in a weird way. He ignores the feelings in his chest, slipping off the bed silently to also wander to his clothes.

"We need to get going, Taehyung...are you all right to ride?" Jungkook asks softly, the tone easing much of Taehyung's antsy heart. Jungkook isn't ignoring him or pretending like what they just did doesn't mean a thing; he's just being practical and strategic. Taehyung can understand that type of mentality. He just needs to not take it so personally when Jungkook acts more like a king and commander than a lover.

"I feel fine," Taehyung replies, a gentle smile on his lips. Jungkook's chest warms at the sight of that smile, his hand moving on its own to stroke Taehyung's soft cheek. The prince's golden eyes widen slightly, his lips parting as a shaky breath escapes him. He isn't expecting this from Jungkook. He isn't expecting soft and sweet and kind. He surrendered to the thought that the man in front of him was The Blood King of the Mountains: cold, and numb, and ruthless. Not...not like this...

"Remember what I said earlier, Taehyung. I will do my best to treat you kindly in private--like you deserve--but I won't be able to do so in public," Jungkook murmurs, caressing Taehyung's cheek as the prince's eyes flutter softly and he leans into Jungkook's touch. Taehyung wants to soak up as much of Jungkook's gentle embrace as he can before they go back to being king and conquest. He's just getting used to that touch when Jungkook pulls his hand away, reaching for his trousers while Taehyung regroups his thoughts.

"Do not worry about me. I promise I'll be fine..." Taehyung finally says, reaching for his own clothing as well. He and Jungkook step into their clothes at the same time, lacing breeches and pulling on tunics that cover scars, hickeys, and love bites. Taehyung straps his belt on and struggles with the leather bands around his legs and feet, yet he manages to get them tied while Jungkook puts on layers of armor and a fur cloak draped over his shoulders.

"You're going to want your cloak as well, Taehyung. The temperatures we are going into are frigid," Jungkook explains as Taehyung stomps into his leather boots. Jungkook does the same before Taehyung looks at the cloak Jungkook set aside for him.

"How do I...?" Taehyung's words cut off as Jungkook steps closer to him, taking the fabric from Taehyung's fingers and draping it over his shoulders. He silently clasps the cloak with a silver latch so the fabric swallows Taehyung.

"If you get cold, let me know, kitten," Jungkook says, leading Taehyung out of the room after gathering their belongings. Taehyung laughs lightly, unable to imagine how he could possibly get cold when wrapped in three layers of clothes.

"I will, but I should be fine," Taehyung mumbles as the two of them walk out of the inn. Taehyung's breath catches in his throat as wind instantly whips around them, the frosty breeze nipping at his face and exposed hands, "Oh wow..."

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