Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Later that evening, Gracie starts getting fussy. I have her outside and bouncing her as I pat her butt and try to get her to calm down. "Let me see her." Chibs says and I hand him to her. He cradles her in front of him and says "What's the matter little lass? Uncle Chibby's got you. It's not that bad." he says and she just looks at him and I can't help but smile. A couple of minutes later, Opie walks up. "She okay?" he asks and when she hears his voice, she starts kicking and looking around. Opie walks closer and as soon as Chibs hands her to Opie, she snuggles into him. "Hey baby girl. You giving momma a hard time?" he asks her and she tries to babble back at him. I sit on top of the picnic table and he sits next to me, still holding her. "All she has to do is hear your voice and she calms right down." I say. "That's a good thing though right?" he asks, looking at me. "Yeah Ope. It is." I say.

The next day is Sunday and the shop is closed. Gracie and I decide to drive to the park to get out for a bit. I am sitting in one of the swings and have her in my lap when Opie walks up. She sees him and starts bouncing around until he picks her up. "Hey baby girl. You having fun with Momma?" he asks has as he tickles her tummy and she squeals at him and I can't help but laugh. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "Was heading to the clubhouse and saw you guys. Thought I'd come and see if baby girl was having fun." he tells me and I can't help but smile. All of a sudden we hear "Georganna." and I stiffen. Opie pulls me behind him and hands me Gracie. "Can we help you?" Opie asks. "Yeah. You can tell me why you were holding my kid." James says. "James..." I start and he says "I'm not fucking talking to you." James says to me and Opie says "Take baby girl and head to the clubhouse." I nod and head to the car and James goes to come after me but Opie stops him. "You don't come near her." Opie says. James smirks and asks "She fucking you too?" Opie steps closer and says "You're best bet is to get the fuck out of here and leave them the fuck alone." Opie says and James backs off and says "I'll see them again soon." before walking away.

I get to the clubhouse and head inside with Gracie. Putting her carrier on the floor, I start moving around and trying to get things packed up as fast as I can before Gemma comes in and asks "Georgie? Where are you going?" I look at her and say "He found us. He fucking found us. I have to get out of here." I say as I keep packing but she stops me. "Hey. Stop. Look at me." she says and I don't stop. Opie comes to the door and he walks over and stops me. "Hey, don't. I told you, he won't get to you two. If you leave, you'll be alone and no one to protect you two." he tells me. "Opie, he found us." I say. "He won't get to you. Either of you." he tells me as his hands cup my face. "I won't let him near either of you." he says. I shake my head and say "I know you guys will try to keep us safe but Opie, I'm not part of this club. I'm just a liability. So is she." I say and he shakes his head. "You're family." he tells me and this time I shake my head. "Opie, please just let us go." I say. He surprises me by kissing my lips softly and says "No. You're with me now. You're both my girls. You're not leaving me." he tells me softly. "Opie..." I start. "Do you want to be with me?" he asks. "Yes." I whisper. Kissing me one more time he says "Then you're my old lady and she our little girl." he tells me. I look into his eyes and say "Thank you." He smiles softly and says "Thank me by staying with me." and I nod.

We come out of my dorm and Gemma has Gracie. "You okay baby?" she asks and I nod and say "I think so." Clay calls church and Opie turns to me and says "Stay inside and with Gemma." I nod and say "Okay." He kisses my cheek and heads into church. Sitting at the table, Clay asks "Why did you need to call church?" Opie looks at the table and says "I saw Georgie and Gracie at the park and stopped to check in and her ex showed up." Opie says. "Okay?" Bobby says confused. "She's been running from her ex. He found her and she's scared he's going to get to her and Gracie." Opie says. "Bring her in here." Clay says and Opie walks to the door. "Georgie, come in here please." he says. "I got her." Gemma says and I walk over to the chapel doors and he leads me inside. Pulling me over to here he was sitting, I stand next to him and his hand finds the small of my back. "Sweetheart, tell us why you're so scared of your ex." Clay says. I look down at my hands and say "When he found out I was pregnant with Gracie, he told me to have an abortion. When I refused, he told me that if I had her that he would find us and he would kill me but not before he made me watch him torture my little girl." I say and the tears start to fall. Opie stands up and pulls me to him. "He won't get you." Piney says. "He's right. We'll find this fucker and you and baby girl don't leave this lot without one of us with you." Clay tells me and I nod. "Thank you." I say. "Head back out with Gemma and we'll figure out how to handle your ex." Clay says and I nod before heading back out to Gemma and Gracie.

After I leave the chapel, Clay says "We can protect her and handle him but her not being a part of the club, we can't depend on other charters if we need it." Clay says. "Yeah we can. I'm claiming her. Told her she's my old lady and Gracie's my kid from here out." Opie says. "You sure about that?" Jax asks, smirking. "Like you didn't see this shit coming. They're mine." Opie says and everyone congratulates him before talking about what they need to do. When they get done, they come out of the chapel and I am standing by the pool table talking to Gemma and Tara, Gemma holding Gracie. Opie walks up and crashes his lips with mine and says "You're mine." I nod and say "I am." before he kisses me one more time. Turning to Gemma he says "Give me my baby girl." Gemma smiles and hands Gracie to him and he pats her back as she snuggles into him and says "Daddy's got you baby girl. I won't let anyone hurt you or Momma." before taking one arm and pulling me closer. I look around and see everyone smiling at us and I realize, I have a family.

That night, Gracie is sleeping in her crib and Opie and I are laying in my bed together. He pulls me closer and says "Tomorrow Happy will give you my crow." I look up at him and before I can ask he says "I'm sure. Been wanting this since you first started here but didn't think you would go for me." he tells me and I start laughing. "What?" He asks. "I've had a thing for you since I first started here. Jax kept telling me I needed to tell you." I say. "He was telling me the same thing." he says. "We're not telling him he was right are we?" I ask. Kissing me softly he says "Hell no." and I can't help but laugh.

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