Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

After Lowen leaves, Opie is holding Gracie and Gemma looks at us and smiles. "You have a family." she says. "Yeah. I do." he says before kissing me softly before holding Gracie closer. "We're happy for you bro." Jax says and Opie looks at me and then him and says "You good with this Uncle Jax?" Jax smirks and says "Hell yeah. Abel needs a cousin to grow up with." before patting Opie on the shoulder. They all stand to give us a few minutes alone and he says "Thank you." I look at him and say "Opie, Me and Gracie are your family. To be honest, she's been yours since the minute we got here. She loves her daddy." I say and he smiles wide. "You know there's only one more thing to do." he tells me and I look at him confused. "Gotta make you my wife." he says. "Then I guess I have a wedding to plan." I tell him and he kisses me softly. "One month from today." he tells me and I nod. Gemma walks up and hears us and says "We better start planning then baby girl." Clay walks up behind her and says "Planning what?" I stand up and say "One month from today I'm gonna need you to take a walk with me and give me away." I tell him and he smiles wide before pulling me into a hug and says "I'd be honored baby girl." Everyone starts walking over, seeing us hugging and smiling. "What's up?" Tig asks. Gemma takes Gracie from Opie and says "Looks like baby girl's Mommy and Daddy are getting married. That right baby girl." she coos to Gracie and you hear her start squealing and she starts kicking and that just gives us one more thing to celebrate.

The next morning, I wake up and am in bed alone. I get up and head out to the main room and see Brooke with the kids. "Where's Ope?" I ask. "Garage. Said to let you sleep." she tells me. I walk over and give Gracie a kiss before heading out to the garage before clocking in. I walk over to Opie and put my hand on his back and rub my hand up and down for a second getting his attention. He stands up and pulls me close. "Morning babe." he says. "Morning. Why didn't you wake me?" I ask. "Wanted you to sleep a little longer. You had a long night." he says smirking. "I didn't hear you complaining." I say. "Hell no." He says before kissing me softly. All of a sudden we hear screaming and I know it's Gracie. We both run inside the clubhouse and Brooke is holding her close. I run up and grab my daughter from her and ask "What happened?" and she's still crying. Opie takes her from me and as soon as he has her, she starts calming down. "I was getting her bottle and I turned just long enough to grab the bottle and she rolled over and off the couch. I'm so sorry." she tells me. "Wait...she rolled over?" I ask and she nods. "Brooke, she's never done that before. She's never rolled over before." I tell her. She rolled over and I missed it. I missed her first. I turn to see her snuggled against Opie and he says "It's okay baby. Daddy's got you. Daddy's here." and she stops crying and starts to doze off. He looks at me and I say "It was the first time she's rolled over." and I feel a tear fall and he pulls me to him. "Come on." he says and we head to our dorm.

Once inside, he puts Gracie in her crib and says "We missed it. But baby, she's okay. She's not hurt." he tells me. "I know but Opie I'm her mother. I'm not supposed to be missing that shit. I'm supposed to be the one with her when she rolls over the first time or says mama or dada for the first time. I'm missing it all." I tell him and the tears start to fall harder. He pulls me to him and says "I talked to Gemma this morning. She's looking for us a house. Why don't you stay home with her and let me handle shit? He says. "You mean me be a housewife?" I ask. "Well, first I have to make you my wife but yeah." he tells me. "Are you sure?" I ask. "Yeah babe. You take care of our little girl. I got everything else." he tells me. "I love you Opie." I tell him as I cup his face firmly. "I love you too Georgie." he says before kissing me deeply. "I'll let Gemma know you're taking care of Gracie and won't be working anymore." he tells me. "I'll tell her. I'm gonna take Gracie out there and we can talk about the wedding plans." I tell him. I pick Gracie up and we both head outside. Me to Gemma's office and him back to the car he was working on.

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